15 - I Know How To Please

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Sebastian woke up to his 6:00 am alarm, regretting every fiber of his being that decided it was a good idea. He hadn't gotten into bed until almost 3:00. He still forced himself out of bed and into the shower. He trudged out, already planning out how big of a coffee he was going to buy at RCC this morning. He put on a black cut off tank top and blue gym shorts, slipping on his black nikes.
He grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone and threw them into his duffel. He tossed his bag over his shoulder and headed to his car.
When he made it to the gym, he took out his phone and tapped it to see the time, but instead noticed he had a notification.

Good morning 😊

Good morning to you too
Surprised your up

Same..My upstairs neighbor decided to do deadlifts this morning
So I've been listening to THAT for the last half hour..

What kind of animal does deadlifts if they're not on the ground floor?
Let alone at 6:00 am??

I'll have to ask him.
I'll make sure to call him an animal too. 😜

Well if you're bored and don't want to hear him deadlifting
you could come hang out over here at the gym with me
It's actually pretty quiet here this morning

I think I may take you up on that offer

Could I bribe you with post workout coffee?

Gym AND coffee?
Sebastian I'm swooning 😌

What can I say..
I know how to please

As soon as he hit send he stared at his phone. Oh my god. Why did I say that.
Luckily he quickly saw Rylee respond.

See you soon!

He sighed in relief at her message. Afraid she would've taken it badly or something..
He forwarded her the gym's address and went to the welcome desk to let the receptionist know Rylee was coming and to put her on his account. He told her where he would be so she could direct her to him when she arrived.  He walked back over to the treadmill and started it up, feeling nervous and antsy for Rylee to get there.


Rylee was surprised how excited she was to go to the gym. She usually hated it. She didn't like the idea that people may judge her workouts, even though she knew that realistically no one really pays attention to other people at the gym.

She rolled out of bed and started getting ready. She decided to give herself two Dutch braids and tucked the ends into each other, almost creating a crown of braids on the back of her head. She put on a green sports bra and matching leggings along with her black nikes. She felt insecure for a moment about just wearing a sports bra, so she decided to throw a black tank top on over top of it.

She put extra clothes into her black Jansport backpack and grabbed her wristlet, keys, and phone, putting them into the small front pocket. She had a little skip in her step as she made her way down a few blocks to the subway. She had walked past his gym many times before so she already knew what stop she needed to get there.

She looked at her phone for the time, 6:53. It didn't take her too long to get there. She walked up to the door and rang the bell. To her surprise she was immediately buzzed in. She saw a young looking girl sitting at the gyms front desk, giving her a smile, loudly chewing her gum. She was blonde and very lean, wearing a t-shirt boasting the gyms information and black leggings. She seemed like the typical girl you'd want to be sitting out front of your gym to bring in customers.

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