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Rylee was over the moon when Alexa showed up at her door around 3:00, just as expected. Alexa has her own key to Rylee's place "in case of emergencies" but that usually just meant Rylee could be lazy and not have to walk the six paces it took to open the door.  As she came in, Alexa could already tell Rylee was up to something. She had a shit eating grin across her face and a bounce in her step.

"What is it...what happened? What did I do? Or more realistically, what did you do?"

"Oh, nothing." Rylee coyly responded, practically skipping from the kitchen to the living room.

"Bullshit." Alexa growled tugging on Rylee's arm to pull her down onto the couch. "Tell me."

"Okay...so...I have a date tomorrow."

"Oh my god. Is it with Sebastian? Tell me it's with Sebastian, pleaseeeeee. It's not Randy from down the hall is it? Oh god..he's such a cree-"

"Oh god please stop, yes its with Sebastian. Rylee blushed and put her hands on her cheeks, smiling from ear to ear.

"RYYYYYYLEEEEEEEEE. GIRRRRLLLLL." Alexa full out screamed. "When? Where? How? Spill ittt!"

Over the next half hour, Rylee poured them both a glass of wine and she told Alexa all about the cafe, the rain, the drive home, the hoodie. Everything, no details spared.
"That sounds so goddamn magical Ryles." Alexa stated as she now laid on her stomach on the living room floor, looking over at Rylee sitting on the floor leaning her back against the couch.

"Right? Fate is crazy." Rylee stated.

"Like if I couldn't see his hoodie laying across the back of the couch right now I would say your entire story is horse shit." She laughed.

"Right? And I wouldn't even blame you!" Rylee joked in return.

The room fell into a comfortable silence for a moment as the girls reveled in all of this news and information.

"How has the Chris situation been going?" Rylee asked

"Good, good. No dates scheduled yet...unlike some people in the room, but he's so easy to talk to, it's great."

"Thats great. He seems like a really good guy." Rylee stated matter of factly.

"So does Sebastian, maybe that's why their friends." Alexa laughed.

"Yeah...oh, side note..Can we talk about the fact that he was just getting back from the gym and was wearing a cut off tank top? Because that was a sight to see..." Rylee said with a joking tone, swooning. She didn't want to objectify him but god was he hot as hell...
The girls continued their gossip fest as the sun slowly began to slink across the sky, shining brightly through Rylee's apartment windows.


Around 3:00, Sebastian had gotten home from dropping off Rylee. He was feeling like he was on top of the world. He barely knew this girl but he was already so infatuated with her. She was such a kind, caring soul. Willing to do anything for anyone, selfless. She was also extremely gorgeous, and he knew that she knew it, but didn't try to flaunt it. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

As he walked in his building's front door he waved at Shawn, and hit dial on the phone in his hand as he got on the elevator. The phone rang a few times before it was answered. As it did, he sifted through his keys, finding the one he needed for his door before unlocking it.

"Ay, Seabass. What's up?" His friend answered, sounding like he was mid bite.

"Hey, Chris. What's goin' on?" He pushed his door open, immediately kicked off his shoes , and made a bee line right for the couch.

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