39 - Penny For Your Thoughts

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When they got back to Sebastian's apartment, both of them were wide awake, and at this point it was close to 8:00 am.

Rylee was sat on the couch in the living room when Sebastian said he would be back and left the room. He was gone for ten or so minutes and she got curious as to why. She got up and wandered upstairs to find him.

She poked her head into the office, but no Sebastian. She stopped for a second, listening intently, she heard a light scratching noise coming from the bedroom. She pushed open the half ajar door and saw Sebastian there, on the floor, scrubbing the hardwood with a scrubbing brush and towel, cleaning up the mess from hours earlier.

"Hey," she said, startling him. "I could've helped you know."

"Hey. Nah, didn't want you to have to see all this..I think I'm finished anyway." He said, swiping his brow with the back of his hand. He tossed the towel and brush into the bucket beside him and stood up. "Wasn't as bad as it looked last night...Must've been because it was dark."

Rylee looked on sadly. She wished she could recall any of last night. The only part she remembered was being half way to the hospital in the car.

"I hate to bring it up again, but I still don't really understand what happened...

As Sebastian took the bucket to the bathroom and began cleaning up, he retold the saga of last night.

"I woke up and you just looked...terrified. You thought I was Michael...and you kept telling me to leave you alone and to stop. I tried to get you to see it was me but you just couldn't. Then you got scared and backed away and fell off the side of the bed and cut open your arm on the edge of the table."

Rylee sat there silently listening to him talk. It was so bizarre to have someone explain something you did that you absolutely don't recall.

She was about to apologize but Sebastian immediately tacked on, "and don't think about apologizing. There's nothing to be sorry for. You're dealing with trauma and there's no reason to apologize because you did nothing wrong."

She nodded quietly, accepting his response.

"So. I say today." Sebastian started, circling his arms around Rylee's waist and between each of his sentences, he plastered her face with small pecks, "We crash on the couch. Get some take out RCC. And catch up on our marathon. What do you say?"

Rylee smiled at the idea, "That sounds perfect."

"You go get comfortable and I'll go pick up our food." Sebastian said as he walked towards the door and put on his shoes, grabbing his keys and wallet from the bowl there.

"Alright. Be safe, I love you!" Rylee yelled as he was about to close the door.

"Love you too," Sebastian poked his head back in with a wide smile.


Sebastian arrived at Round Corner Cafe and ordered their food. He sat down in a seat at the bar to chat with Ken as he usually did.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Some guy came in here yesterday asking about you and Rylee. He seemed kinda sketchy though, so I didn't humor his questions."

Sebastian froze. "Did he say his name? What did he look like?"

"No, but he was like...eh...six foot maybe? Pretty burly lookin dude. Had a baseball cap on."

"What was he asking about?"

"He was curious about you guys. Was starting to ask real personal questions. When y'all started dating. When you came around here. Real creepy shit. I ended up asking him to leave."

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