50 - Court

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The day finally came. Sebastian had grabbed the mail in the lobby and saw the letter Rylee had been dreading. Her name and address was printed neatly in the middle and the top corner practically screamed Judiciary of New York State.

He got in the elevator and made his way upstairs with the mail. Opening the door, he saw Rylee sitting on the couch, a smile on her face until she saw his stoic look. "What is it?" Rylee questioned.

"Court papers." Sebastian stated simply, holding up the envelope.

"Oh..." She knew they were coming. She knew there would be a hearing. And she knew she would have to be there. But she was dreading the day it rolled around.

Sebastian passed her the letter, sitting down beside her, throwing his arm around her shoulder to pull her close. She opened it and read over it fully. Not seeing anything she didn't expect. She was being requested by the state to stand against Michael on multiple counts.

Attempted first degree murder.
EPO violations.
Illegal possession of a fire arm.
Breaking and entering.
Destruction of property.

She glanced over the list multiple times, soaking it all in. Especially the words attempted first degree murder.

Attempted. Murder.

She still couldn't believe that that night had happened. She's been through so much with him for so long she wanted to put it all to rest. To send him to jail for as long as possible. And even just his attempted murder charge would get him there, let alone tacking on all the other charges.

She focused back on the rest of the letter now. Her requested date was Monday, August 30th. 8:00 AM. A little over a week away.

Her stomach churned at the thought of seeing Michael again.  She put the letter down on the table, pausing for a moment, before she got up and ran to the bathroom, emptying her stomach.

Sebastian followed behind her, knowing this news was difficult, but inevitable.

He sat down on the floor by the tub, rubbing gentle circles into Rylee's back. She had already finished what she went in there to do, but she stayed sitting on the floor, leaned against the side of the tub.

"I don't know if I can do this, Seb." Rylee's lip quivered, her breath shuddering. The words attempted murder still ringing in her ears.

"You can do this Ry. It's one day. One day and you'll never have to see that bastard again. He'll be handcuffed. And guarded. He won't be able to hurt you. Not anymore."

Rylee leaned onto Sebastian's chest and cried. Tears streamed down her face as he pulled her in closer, holding her protectively. "It'll be over soon, and it'll be okay."

Rylee nodded into his chest but her breaths were getting shallow and her tears poured. She could feel her chest tightening, trying to take in any breath she could.

"Ry. Take a breath, honey. Breathe with me." He grabbed her hand and put it on his chest, trying to get her to feel his heart beat and his breaths coming in and out.

She tried her hardest to focus on him talking but she couldn't get her mind to slow down.  She was starting to get dizzy from it all. Attempted murder.

"Rylee. Rylee look at me."

Rylee blinked, almost in slow motion up at him, trying to focus on his face.

Sebastian put his palm against her cheek, rubbing his thumb there, trying any form of contact to get her to focus.

"Breathe with me."

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