70 - Positive

925 34 24

Rylee woke up at 7:00 am feeling awful, so much so, that she rolled out of bed and immediately ran to the bathroom to empty her stomach.

She sat on the floor, leaning next to the tub, trying to let her body settle. This was the third day in a row that she woke up feeling like this.

She would be lying to herself if she said it wasn't concerning. She tried to think through other symptoms she had been experiencing over the past few days.

She's had occasional abdominal pain, nausea, her appetite was kind of out the window.

What if....no...but...Whens the last time I had it. A month ago? A month and a half?

She stood up quickly, causing her nausea to practically slap her in the face. After a moment,  she leaned over the sink and grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste, trying to take the awful taste from her mouth.

Soon enough she got dressed and went out the door. She decided to walk down a few blocks to the corner store and grabbed what she needed and quickly scurried home.

She was back in her bathroom, holding the test in her hand, the timer on the sink about to beep.  She bounced her leg anxiously, but tried to keep herself calm. She jumped when her timer started to chime and she tapped her phone with her hand to silence it.

She took a deep breath and flipped the test over. Her leg stopped bouncing and her mouth was agape, unable to form words.

She reached for her phone and hit redial. The phone rang twice when she heard the person on the other end of the line.

"Hey Ry, what's up?"


"What's wrong?"

"Please come over." Rylee said quickly, trying to keep her emotions in check.

"I'll be there in ten." Alexa said as she hung up without asking why or even saying goodbye.


"False positives happen... did you get more than one test?"

"No, but....I've had so many symptoms that make sense."

"Well, what if we go to the doctors today to get an official answer?"

Rylee didn't think about that, she nodded. "Good idea. Good idea. Yeah."

Rylee took out her phone and typed in the number for her doctor's office. Luckily enough, they had a cancellation for noon and asked if she could come in then, to which she immediately agreed, thanking them before hanging up.

"They can get me in at noon today..."

"That's great," Alexa said as she looked at her phone screen, "so in an hour?"

"Oh, yeah, I guess so."

Rylee seemed like she was just going through the motions for the next half hour. She couldn't get her mind off of all of her emotions, plus to top it off her stomach was hurting and her nausea was kicking up.

Once the time came, Alexa went with Rylee to her appointment for moral support. They sat together in two chairs in a back room of the doctors office, waiting silently for someone to walk in.

"Hello Rylee, and?" Rylee's doctor, Dr. Williams, said.

"Alexa." She said, shaking Dr. Williams hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you, so what brings you in Rylee?" Dr. Williams said as she looked over her chart.

"I, um, took a pregnancy test this morning that came up positive. And have had some symptoms that all line up with that, but I just want to be sure." Rylee was practically shaking with nerves.

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