27 - Kings

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Sebastian and Rylee's Friday seemed to fly by in a flash. They couldn't stay off of each other the whole rest of the afternoon and into the early evening.

Rylee's phone rang on the bed side table. She reached over blindly as she laughed, Sebastian kissing and nipping at her neck as she tried to squirm away.

"Seb, it's Lex, I've gotta answer!" She continued to giggle.

"Mhmm." Sebastian mumbled into her ear, not stopping his pace.

Rylee picked up her phone and answered it, "Hey girl, what's up?"

"Hey! A little birdie, aka you, told me last week that you have tonight off. Still true?"

"You'd be correct.."

"Well, Chris is coming over tonight and I wanted to see if you and Sebastian had plans this evening. Come hang out with us! Get some pizza or something. Pleaseeee!"

Rylee looked over at Sebastian, who at this point had finally stopped his relentless attack on her neck and was listening to her conversation unfold. He shrugged, seeming to say 'sure'.

"Sure thing Lex, we're game."

"Ooooo is he over now? I'll leave you two love birds be. But make sure you get your cute little asses over here for like 7! Byeeee"

All Rylee could do was laugh, "Okay, see you then." She hung up the phone and looked at Sebastian, placing her phone down between them.

He lifted her phone back up to look at the time. "Well would you look at that. We still have two full hours to kill...whatever shall we do..." Sebastian questioned with a sideways smirk.

"Hmm. I wonder." Rylee giggled as Sebastian jumped back on top of her, continuing back into the crook of her neck.


Around 7:10, Rylee and Sebastian were heading up the elevator of Alexa's apartment. As they walked out, and turned down the hall to make their way to her door, Sebastian gave Rylee's ass a good smack, causing her to let out a small yelp.

"Just had to get one last one in before I lose my privileges for the next few hours." Sebastian smirked.

She giggled at him, giving his shoulder a smack and placing a kiss on his lips before she turned to knock on Alexa's door. He grabbed onto her hips, pulling her into a bear hug from behind as they waited for Alexa to answer.

As the door opened Alexa let out a squeal "Ahhhh! Hello Lovebirds!!" She laughed as she went to grab Rylee out of Sebastian's arms for a hug of her own. And then reaching over to give him a hug as well.

Chris was already camped out on the couch, whiskey in hand, raising it up as he saw them both walk through the door. "Hey, long time no see." Chris laughed at his own joke, clearly already feeling his first drink.

Sebastian laughed back, "Yeah, it's been like, what, eight hours?"

At this point Chris stood up to embrace Sebastian, patting him on the back with his open hand, then gently hugging Rylee after him. "Let me go get you two started, Rylee, what's your go to?"

"I'll do a rum and Coke, thanks Chris."

"I'll take the same," Sebastian tagged on.

"Ooo, changing it up, nice." Chris pointed at Sebastian as he backed toward the kitchen.

Chris came back and handed the two their drinks, both responding with a unified thanks as Chris sat down beside Alexa, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

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