43 - You Are Home

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"Are you ready to do this? You don't have to rush into getting your things." Sebastian asked wearily.

"Honestly I'd rather do it now than later. Rip off the metaphorical bandaid as they say." Rylee replied. Sebastian could tell she was nervous by how much she was starting to ramble.

They had gone back to his apartment after their meeting at Marvel when Rylee suggested they go to her place and pack up essentials. They changed into older clothes that they didn't mind getting ruined and headed downtown to her apartment.

They were parked outside of her building and she hesitated. She swallowed loudly and nodded, ready to go. She hadn't been back since that night and she didn't even know what Michael ended up doing to her place.

Sebastian got out, walked around the back of the car and took a few folded boxes out of the trunk. He continued around to open Rylee's door, grabbed her crutches for her and helped her out of the car. They walked to the door where Theo came barging through, enveloping Rylee in a hug, "Oh my God Rylee, I'm so glad you're okay. I'm so sorry about what happened. The police told us that man had broke in through a service entrance in the back so I never even saw him until they were bringing him down through the lobby...if I had known Rylee..."

"Thanks Theo, and yeah. But it's not your fault. You didn't know."

Theo nodded, "So are you back? Or?"

Rylee shook her head, "No, I'm actually going to be moving in with Sebastian," she smiled, looking up at him, seeing his lopsided smile in return.

"Oh, that's great! I'm sad to see you go, but that's awesome for you two!"

"Thanks Theo," Rylee smiled again, "we've gotta head upstairs and pack some things, but there will be movers coming sometime soon to sort out the rest, but I'll keep you updated."

"Sounds good, if there's any way I can help, let me know!"

"Will do, thanks" Rylee finished as they made it over to the elevators and up to her apartment.

As they got to her floor she froze when she saw her door, which was closed, but mangled. Police tape was still strewn across the door. Sebastian could sense her change quickly and placed his hand reassuringly on her back.

"You sure you wanna go in?"

Rylee looked up at him and nodded once, looking forward and making her way to the door, she stripped off the police tape and simply pushed on the door to open it. She was astounded at what she saw.

Her coffee table was flipped up and into the tv stand, the tv screen shattered. Various pictures and decor shoved to the floor, shattered or broken. Kitchen cabinets tore apart, food lying everywhere. Curtains ripped from half the windows. You would've thought a tornado had passed through. Each room had its own amount of destruction.

She shook off the gut wrenching feeling in the pit of her stomach and slowly made her way to her bedroom. Overall, this room wasn't as torn up as the others, probably because Michael hadn't spent as much time in here.

Sebastian set down the flattened boxes and began refolding them to be used. Rylee went to her dresser first and began unloading her clothes into a box as Sebastian wrapped bags around the hung clothes in her closet. They continued working slowly through the apartment, grabbing things Rylee knew for sure she definitely wanted to take with her. Her clothes, some books, picture albums. Sebastian slowly took things down to the car, filling the backseat as well as the trunk.

Rylee was surprised how few things she felt she needed. There were still a good amount of things left in the apartment but she just didn't seem to mind starting over fresh.

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