(Season 1) Episode 1

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Dayakendra Orphanage - The board reads as the brother-sister duo make their way inside it, the little sister's one hand clutched between her brother's and other busy clutching at her favourite plushie; a teddy with slightly torn back (from the time that her neighbour had tried to snatch the toy from her), crumbs of cotton fuzz dribbling out of it and yet holding it is of immense value for the little girl; her mother had bought her this on her last birthday, that was one month ago. She had turned six.

However, she hasn't seen her parents since then but her brother had said that they'll be coming back soon from the trip that they are gone to. And although the little girl was sad that their parents didn't take her with them on their trip, she guessed that she'll make an exception this one time and would forgive them just because they left her brother with her, had they taken him too, she would have been so angry.

Currently, though, her brother is busy talking to a kind looking, old man.

"Mihir, Mishti, come, come, my dear children!" the man with a kind smile greets the kids, whom they'll later get to know as their Daya Sir, patting Mihir's back and petting Mishti's head. "You'll get to have many friends here, good food and good clothes too." He says addressing the ten-year-old boy who seems to have a permanent frown on his face. But he understands the boy's and his sister's condition; even though it had already been a month since they lost their parents, the effect was just the same, especially when their relatives had personally come to drop them at the orphanage. And even though little Mishti doesn't understand too much of it, Mihir does, who knows that they have been abandoned even by their relatives and seems adamant about taking care of his sister by one hand and carrying the weight of all their responsibilities by the other.

The man should've expected the boy's reply. "We don't need friends, but good food and good clothes are always welcomed until they make my Chutki happy." He says, gazing at his little sister with his glassy eyes, who gives him a toothy smile in return. But just as if remembering something, the boy's eyes widen as he turns to him.

"We can stay here for many days, right? Chacha hadn't said anything about it but I know that people without p-parents come to a place like this and live here until they turn eighteen. Will Chutki and I get to do the same? And if yes then can we live in the same place, Chutki can't sleep without me. The boy says with a panicked expression, and can't help but gaze at his sister once again, who nods vigorously.

"Yes, I can't sleep without bhai." The girl pouts.

The man gulps as a wave of emotion hits his insides, curling hurtfully in his chest. "Y-Yes." He manages. "Of course, you'll get to stay here, and I'll make arrangements for you two to stay together. We'll send you to school as well. You don't need to have a thing to worry about."

But both Mihir and the man knew that it was a blatant lie. The duo had a long journey to tread on to with their little steps and fend for themselves in this giant world.

Their worries had just started.


Mishti stands on the footpath, a transmitter placed in her ear, her brother's voice flowing through it hastily.

"Target approaching, Chutki, get ready."

She adjusts her stark black glasses for the blind (through which she could see everything quite clearly) and opens up her white cane hearing the instruction.

She steps on the road as soon as the white Mercedes gets on the gas.

"Confuse the car, Chutki. Don't waste too much time for falling." The instruction comes next, and she does as she's told.

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