Episode 29

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Mishti reaches home at ten at night, having spent as much time with her brother as much as she could. She hadn't been able to take a leave when Samrat’s mother had come home, and so the man in question had gladly granted her one today. This meant that she hadn’t cooked any meal today except for making some bluberry topped oatmeal for Samrat, and some toasts.

She just hopes Vivek had cooked his boss the food to his liking today just as he had promised, -- “ You have nothing to worry about, I know how to take care of sir.”

Mishti was also glad that the valet was talking to her finally, or well, picking fights with her just like before, and not looking at her with hawk eyes. It may be the effect of talking to Aisha or might simply mean that the man trusts her, enough to know that she’d never hurt Samrat intentionally.

Though that doesn’t mean she trusts him entirely. She needs to know what he cooked today, and if it was better than hers or not.

She's sure it is the latter of the two. Huh.

With that goal in mind, Mishti straight up goes to the kitchen, washing her hands before opening up the lid to the pressure cooker. 

The contents of the utensil surprise her to no end because there she finds fragrant and colourful masala rice resting in the cooker.

She then takes off the lid of the second utensil only to find Shahi paneer in it. Yet again Indian. But Samrat doesn’t eat Indian, at least not until they are desserts.

Did he eat it today? Was he lying to her all this time about not liking Indian food? He must be, who in their right mind doesn’t like Indian dishes.

Pouting, Mishti climbs the steps to her room, freshening up in quick minutes and changing up into comfy clothes. It is only when her stomach grumbles, and she thinks of going into the kitchen to taste some of her rival’s food – does she hear it; noises, familiar noises of whimpers coming from Samrat’s room. 

Is it the nightmares again?

Mishti is quick to go to the source only stopping when she’s at his door. 

Should she go inside? 

She did last time and it helped him, so why not?

With that thought in mind, Mishti bursts open through the door of the room, no knock whatsoever. 

Safe to say, the view gave Mishti a whiplash as well as the person occupying the room.

“Mishti?” Samrat voices out surprised, while Mishti doesn’t have any voice left to say anything because the man that she had been thinking was busy dreaming and seeing nightmares is sitting on his bed wide awake in his fully lighted room, eyes widened in shock after witnessing his personal chef barging into his room in the middle of the night.

Oh God, what will he think now? 

“What are you doing here?” Samrat asks in a calm voice, schooling his surprise though just then a small whimper follows his words, his hands going to clutch at his stomach.

“Are you – are you ok?” Mishti can’t help but ask despite herself and the man nods. 

“Just a stomachache.” He says dismissively, and once again focuses his gaze on her. 

“What are you doing here?” he asks again and Mishti cringes inwardly, averting her gaze to the floor. 

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to just burst through the door like this but…” she trails off trying to find apt words to explain the situation.

“But?” Samrat presses, the frown leaving his face and a slightly amused look replacing it. 

“Ithoughtyouwerehavingamightmaresoijustcametocheckuponyou!” Mishti says, her eyes scrunched shut, they only open when she hears the man letting out a huff, shaking his head exasperatedly, the amusement still very much present in his eyes. 

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