Episode 19

704 91 18

Mishti’s hands are shaking, not because she is finding it difficult to make some vegan enchiladas that has been demanded of her but because the person who has demanded them is standing beside her, resting his back against the kitchen counter, munching on an apple, not wearing his usual formal attire but is clad in a polo shirt and some sweatpants.

And even though she likes cooking in an empty space, it’s for three reasons that she doesn’t mind him here. First, that he is her boss and this is his home, he can sit wherever he likes; second, she doesn’t mind him standing close to her, speaking a few truths about her life as he asks her about them and attempting to know a few of his own in the process; third and most important, she doesn’t want the man to travel to yesterday’s scenario and interrogate her even more thoroughly than he had done before.

“I think I deserve to know why you were trying to hide from my mother when you weren’t on the supposed leave that you said you would take!” Samrat demands, arms folded across his chest and right foot tapping the ground. 

His stance intimidates her, forcing her to stumble through her words, not that she was too confident with her explanation before.

“I – I wanted to take the leave, but you had said to m-make the dish –”

“I didn’t think you would. I was kidding and had already told Vivek to order them from the restaurant in case you didn’t make them, which I was sure you wouldn’t.” Samrat answers, his brow loosening its arch into exasperation.

“Well, you don’t know me too well then.” Mishti finds herself saying, avoiding eye contact.

“Guess, I don’t, huh?” She hears a small smile in those words as her employer speaks. “But what about my mother? Why were you hiding from her? Do you guys have a history that I’m not aware of?”

“You aren’t aware of many things.” Mishti’s mind supplies, unhelpfully, a thought that she shakes off immediately.

“It’s – It’s not that. I was just …...nervous.” She says, trying her best not to lie to the man. Not again. “Y-Your mother seemed really strict. Her stance and the way she walked reminded me of an officer.” Mishti throws an arrow in the air, it not being a complete lie.

Those few moments that she had observed the woman, it really looked like it. Though she is sure that it is only her imagination. Their agency and her brother had told her that the woman was a charity donor, who visited the functions and galas held by her son. The description suited a billionaire's mother.

However, the way Samrat has brows raised, and lips curled into what seems a gesture of appreciation, has Mishti confused.

“Spot on.” He says, “She was a police officer. In fact, she retired just a few years ago.” Samrat reveals and for a moment Mishti’s mind comes to a screeching pause, her whole body freezing.


That woman was a police officer?

A police officer in the house that Mishti was assigned her tasks in?

What was the agency even thinking?

“But, yeah, I can’t blame you for not wanting to see her. It’s how I feel most of the time.” Samrat admits sombrely, bringing Mishti out of her reverie though she is unable to get over the shock.

She has to tell everyone about this. She doubts that they know it.

“– shti…Mishti?”

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