Episode 44

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“See you later, Chutki. I'm trusting you with today's preparations.” Mihir winks and Mishti winks back to her brother who quickly goes and catches up with Raghav who has already started up the engine. 

“Has he gone?” Ruhi comes out of her room just five minutes after Mihir has left and Mishti nods, suppressing a smile. 

“Well, be ready for today.” Ruhi grins, walking out of the door for her university and Mishti giggles. 

“Oi, Mishti, have you seen my granola bar? I had it in my bag yesterday. I can’t sit in classes for too long before getting hung –”

“Here,” Mishti says, giving a chocolate and granola bar both to Ranveer, who grabs them excitedly, giving her a side hug before walking out of the door as well.

“Keep the cakes ready for today.” He calls out, turning back and this time Mishti is unable to stop the laugh that bubbles up her tummy. 

“Seems like you are ready for today.” Samrat quirks from the dining table, bringing Mishti’s laugh to a simper.

She clears her throat, before turning around to face the man who is busy scrolling through his iPad and yet his lips are quirked up.

Mishti goes and quietly sits beside him. 

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, Mishti.”

Mishti ducks her head down, nodding at the greeting, gingerly reaching out to grab on some breakfast.

“Let me,” Samrat says from beside him, reaching out for the food.


Mishti shakes her head. 

A small chuckle escapes his mouth that doesn’t go unnoticed by Mishti.

“Puri?” She nods and this time the man doesn’t bother hiding his laughter as he puts the food on her plate, neither does Mishti try to hide her pout.

“Stop that. I’m eating the puris as well. See?” Samrat points out and it is then that Mishti’s gaze falls on his plate, acknowledging that the man is indeed eating the Indian delicacy.

“I thought you didn’t eat Indian food.” She mumbles to herself. The man hears it regardless.

“It’s been long since I have started eating it. I’m surprised you’re only noticing it now. Keep up, Mishti.” Samrat says, giving her a lopsided smile. Mishti is not impressed. 

“Stop smiling already.” She tells him but when has this statement ever had its desired effect.

Samrat does the opposite of it by chuckling, and so does Mishti by biting back a smile. 

“I’ll leave first.” She says once she is done with her breakfast, grabbing her bag and her uniform, on a way to become a certified Sous Chef. 

It has been ten weeks since she, her brother, and her friends have found their residence in Samrat’s house, and a lot has changed since in their personal and professional lives.

First five weeks of the duration had gone with her friends being in a house arrest. Mishti had been overjoyed that her friends didn't have to go to the prison.

But the next five weeks, that's what brought the change in their lives for good.

Raghav has started a small eatery of his own in the corner of the street as he had always wanted to, her brother has secured a job in the technical department of Samrat’s company, having using his technical skills for a good cause instead of the dirty work of the agency.

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