Episode 38

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A charity dinner is to take place tonight, filling the grounds of the prison with stacks of chairs and stalls of food.

Mishti is already salivating at the thought of the food that she'll get to eat after eating that watery dal and rice for weeks on end, though of course she recently had the ladoos that her brother had sneaked in yesterday and had gone with a promise of taking her out of the prison and the false case at any cost.

Mishti had shared the sweet with Raima though still hadn't told her about her brother.

Raima had still somehow got to know about it and then Mishti had no choice but to spew out the truth.

“You didn’t tell me your brother was so handsome!” was what Raima had replied with, making Mishti chuckle for the first time in front of the girl. She couldn’t help it. Her brother’s arrival had lifted her spirits. She wanted nothing more.

“Sorry to reveal it to you but he is taken.” Mishti had murmured back, teasing and Raima had dramatically whined.

Mishti was glad that she could share the secret with Raima just like they shared their appreciation of some good food.

“I’ve heard the girls saying that there would be Aloo Puri, and Kathi rolls and Rabdi, oh God, I think I’m going to die,” Raima says shaking her shoulder that are already shaking from laughing so much. 

“Die after eating everything.”


It doesn’t take too long for their grey coloured, dull and dead jail to turn into a lively hall, filled with yummy smelling foods and loud murmurs of the prisoner. 

They are told to get in a line and so they do.

“Oi! We’ll go first.” Someone says from behind them and Mishti is not surprised to find the two women from before, Yashna and Tamanna, glaring at her, the former’s nose flaring as usual and the latter’s eyes almost stuck behind the sockets from how much she rolls them. 

This time though before Raima can step in and give the two an answer, Mishti grins, extending her hand to the women who look at it confusedly, not shaking it. 

Mishti shrugs her shoulder, taking away the hand, the overly sweet smile still not vanishing from her face. 

“I’m sorry but I think we never got introduced to each other properly. I’m Mishti.” She says and the women just glare at her with a bored face. She grins even more.

“I am trained in Karate and Muay Thai. Have been practicing them for years. Forms of self-defence. Thought I’ll just let you know before we further get to know each other better.” She says and sees with delight as the women’s eyes widen, jaw-dropping.

“Are you – are you threatening us right now?” 

Mishti chuckles, shaking her head. “I sure am not just threatening you.”

The women don’t speak thereafter, looking at each other with saucer-shaped eyes, taking their steps back with not so discreet gulp. 

Mishti’s gaze then lands on the constable who had been tormenting her since the first day she stepped into the prison, always threatening her how one day he’ll teach her a lesson. 

But now that she sees him looking at her with unsure eyes, she feels nothing but cool satisfaction tumbling down her chest. The way he gulps when she glares at him with her hardened gaze and runs away when she so much as takes a step towards him unable to see the feeling of vengeance simmering in his chest.

She'll be sure that he is not the one who will teach her a lesson.

“Woah, who are you, lady? And where is my quiet cellmate?” Raima laughs, face surprised and Mishti immediately relaxes, giving a smile to the girl.

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