(Season 2) Episode 35

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“You! Stop right there. Is this your house, asking for so much food? We have to feed hundreds of your likes. Go away from here! Bloody Bi– ”

Mishti zones out the rest of the words, having been used to hearing them every day. Her gaze falls on her half-empty plate, only consisting of a handful of undercooked rice garnished with some watery dal. She doesn’t want to eat that but the way her stomach grumbles, she knows that she needs to. 

She sits down on one of the tables at the mess, the corner one, not wanting to interact with anyone else, not that the others are dying to do so. 

“You! Get up from here, this is our seat.”

Or maybe they do. Spoke too soon. 

Mishti barely refrains herself from rolling her eyes at the utterly stupid statement because as it happens there are no seats allotted to anyone here; one can’t expect that from central jail, and neither those women have any permanent seat, yesterday the front table in the third row had been their seat and the day before it was the fourth table in the second row. 

Yes, Mishti keeps a tab. She hasn’t got anything better to do and wonders why they have to change the permanence of their seats according to where she decides to sit. 

A loud clang of utensils brings Mishti out of her reverie, only to witness her precious food now spread on the dirty table, the two women looking down at her with smirks on their faces. 

Mishti glares at the two women, running out of patience. She wants to yell at them, give them a piece of her mind, ask them why they are so keen on ruining her already ruined life, and yet all that escapes her mouth is, “I was going to eat that.” Impassive and quiet. 

The words only does to give a push to the two women throwing a smug smile towards her.

“Aww, seems like you are starving. That’s ok. You can eat tomorrow.” The taller of the two, Yashna coos, flicking at her chin harshly.

Mishti swats her hand away, staring at her.

“Who do you think you are giving that loo –” The shorter one of the two, Tamanna begins but is interrupted by a rather snarky comment.

“The beggars are here. You’re homeless again, I see.” The girl scoffs. “Go and sit on the floor because we are not going anywhere! And give your plate here, your food is spread on the table.” She grabs the plate from Yashna’s hand and thrusts her in Mishti’s, the duo now looking at her with their jaw dropped.

“How dare you! You’re nothing but a filthy rat –”

“Raima, not rat.” Mishti’s cellmate says with a sickly-sweet smile, an action that has her ducking her head to hide the small smile that surfaces on her lips. “And it’s ok, darlings if you don’t want to step away from here. I can give you both some company.” Instead of yelling at them, Raima drags her index finger down the taller woman’s arm in a slow, sultry way who coils in disgust. 

“She’s a freak, Yashi, we’ll come and deal with that one some other time,” Tamanna exclaims, having curled up her mouth in disgust, eyes flitting between her and Raima. “Who knows what goes inside their cell.” The speaker shudders, making Mishti turn around to bite back another smile which is relatively harder to hide.

Letting out a few more curses, those women leave them alone. 

It’s then that Mishti takes a chance to face the stranger with whom she has been sharing space for the past three months.  

Raima chuckles. “You are allowed to laugh, you know.” The girl exclaims and Mishti’s rarely put on smile dies on her lips. The girl’s loud laugh also comes to a slow as she rolls her eyes. “Oh c’mon!” she exclaims dramatically, reminding her of Aisha. “You’re not even going to say a thanks to me? I saved you from those bullies.” The girl pouts.

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