Episode 25

666 95 16

Mishti’s heart stops working, and not in a good way as he sees him standing at the door step, body stilled.

There is no doubt that he has heard everything.

“V-Vivek?” she stutters, her phone shaking in her scared hands. “When did you come back?” she asks with a nervous chuckle, her eyes not returning to their normal size.

Vivek keeps staring at her, a small box in his hands, his eyes containing a hint of animosity and a lot of rage in them.

“You liar!”


“I knew it was you.” He says, his forehead welcoming a frown, his gaze falling to the box that was in his hand. “To think that I brought this for you.” He lets out a bitter scoff before turning his hardened gaze at her.

“I had been doubting you since the very first day you entered in this house, in that very first week in which the watch got stolen, but then the second time it happened, sir asked me to drop it and I did. But I always had my eyes on you!” he exclaims, his voice growing louder with each word and Mishti feels a slight buzz in her head, not believing that this is happening, not believing that she has finally gone and got herself caught, putting her and her family’s life in jeopardy. 

“N-No, I –” Mishti tries to defend herself with words she doesn't know but is interrupted midway.

“Don’t tell me that it wasn’t you. I heard every single word you said to your accomplice. You did all that and yet you’re planning to harm sir some more? To steal his favourite vase …. the one that his dead father bought him?” Vivek asks appalled and Mishti yet again finds herself stilling, just being introduced to the brand-new information.

“Wh-What? F-Father? He bought the v-vase?” she asks instead of trying to defend herself because for some reason that seems to her much more important than anything.

“Yes, he did. And I’m not going to let you do that. I’m not going to let you hurt him –”

“I don’t want to hurt him.” Mishti intervenes this time, a frown crawling up her face. “I don’t want to hurt him at all.” She cries, stepping forward towards the man, desperation evident in her action. “Didn’t you see that everything got undone? He got back his watch as well his five crores. I swear I don’t want to hurt him, but I don’t have any choice. It’s – It’s not by choice that I have become a thief, Vivek.” She says in a disoriented manner. “And – And I didn’t even know anything about the vase but – but now that I do, I’ll – I’ll do something about it. I promise I’ll not take that vase. But please, please don’t tell hi –”

Vivek lets out a bitter laugh at that, pointing a finger at her with his unoccupied hand. “You think I’ll trust you, believe on a single word you say after hearing all that? I’ll tell him everything, and I’ll do that right now even if I’ll have to go to his office.” He exclaims with a disgusted curl of his lips, leaving Mishti to shake her head incessantly. 

“No – please, don’t do that. I swear I’ll not hurt him. Please try to understand that I d-don’t have any choice, the orphanage – the agency is making us – please!” she says but the man doesn’t stop, stepping out of her room and going towards the front door. 

Mishti racks her brain for any way that would stop him from contacting Samrat, anything that will make him pause in his steps. It’s only when the man has taken a step out of the door, does she find it. The way. To make him stop.

“I’ve found her, the girl that you had been finding for all these years. I know who she is and where she is at currently.” Mishti says breathlessly and sees as the man stops in his tracks, immediately turning to face her with his wide eyes. 

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