Episode 48

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“Seems that all hope isn’t lost yet. Delhi high court has surfaced with the decision of equipping Vineeta Agnihotri, wife of the late businessman, Dayanand Agnihotri, with fourteen years prison sentence, punishing her for her illicit actions; taking bribes, illegal arrests and shooting a civilian in broad daylight. It is believed that ….”

The news runs in the background, echoing through the house in Sakshi’s voice as Mishti manoeuvres through the kitchen, humming an unknown tune, all the while stirring up the batter for making some yummy Jalebis.

Oh, how she misses eating them.

Besides her stands Samrat Agnihotri who isn’t quite able to make swirls of the batter in the piping hot oil, looking at the disintegrated jalebis remorsefully.

“I can’t do it!” he complains, stomping his feet like a child, making Mishti stifle a smile.

“It’s ok, leave it to me.”

“No, you aren’t my chef anymore. No one has been since you left. Besides, I am a good cook as I have proven many times. It's just not happening right now.” Samrat explains.

Mishti scoffs. 

Samrat looks at her, affronted. “Was that a scoff?”

Mishti spares a look at him and gives him a fake smile. “Decode that yourself, Samrat sir.” 

She grins and misses the way Samrat switches off the stove, narrowing his eyes at her before encircling her waist with his arms and picking her few inches off the ground, the impact making the spoon in her hand drop in the batter bowl.

“Hey! What are you doing! Put me down.” She whines but the man doesn’t listen, only stopping when they stand in front of the couch, dropping her unceremoniously on the soft surface.

Mishti graces him with a glare.

It is Samrat’s turn to scoff.

“Why would you do that?” 

Samrat smirks. “I don’t know, Mishti. Decode that yourself.” He says, sitting down beside her, his hand going around her to grab the remote. 

That leaves Mishti with only one option.

“Hey! Give it back.” Samrat says when Mishti takes the remote from his hand in one swift sweep, browsing through the channels with a smug face.

“Give it, I’m warning you.” The threat has Mishti turning her face to look at Samrat, cocking her head to the side.

“Oh yeah? Try me.” She only has to say those words before Samrat scoots closer to her, a not-so-innocent smirk crawls up his lips as the attack begins, his fingers crawl up her tummy, tickling her and she’s unable to stifle the mix of shriek and laugh, squirming away from the incessant attack of the fingers. 

“Samrat – Stop! Ha-ha, stop!” she giggles, trying to get a hold of the hands that don’t seem to stop anytime soon, the T.V. remote forgotten.

The culprit laughs as well. “Why stop? You consented to this.” He grins, making his way up to her waist, a particular tickle making her laugh like nothing else, falling back onto the couch taking her tormenter with her, squirming and yet unable to stifle the giggle that escapes her mouth one after the other.

Though when she sees Samrat on top of her, his smiling face isn’t able to stop her mind from taking her to the day she was stuck in the same situation, and it wasn’t laughter that she was shrieking with. 

Mishti immediately stops smiling, her body stilling and a lone chuckle escapes Samrat mouth before it comes to a sudden stop as well, realising the change. Though he doesn’t make any effort to move away from her, instead lets his hand reach out to her face, cupping it hesitantly.

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