Episode 24

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Vivek is coming back today.

After five full days, he is coming back, and safe to say a lot has happened in this house since he left, or at least that’s what Mishti likes to think.

Any inhibitions or awkwardness that her employer seemed to possess mere days earlier was thrown out of the window. He no longer ignored her or avoided eye contact. Four days out of five she had eaten the dinner with him on the dining table, three days out of which he had cooked the food. The fourth day had been a combined effort and well the fifth day, her wound had – unfortunately – completely healed. 

Tough luck.

However, the point is that today her nemesis will come back and would once again start manoeuvring back and forth his beloved – but not in that way – ‘Samrat sir’, trying to prove that how he is better than her. But she’ll make what she can of the time left.

Currently, it’s nine in the morning, and Samrat is almost done with his breakfast, ready to go to work that he hadn’t gone to since last four days what Mishti likes to think because of her……inability as a cook! Except that his tie is hanging around his neck, and the man is making no effort to tie it. Does he plan to go to his work like that?

“Do you plan on going to your work like this?” Mishti voices her thought, interrupting the man from taking the last sip of his coffee. 

“Hmm?” he takes that last sip, and puts the cup on the plate, turning himself towards her.

She feels hesitant under the sudden attention but asks what’s in her mind, nonetheless.

“That. Are you going to the office like that?” she asks gesturing to the untied accessory making Samrat look down at it as well, his mouth then opening into a small ‘o’, a slightly sheepish look overcoming his face from which it recovers quickly, his gaze flitting between her face to his tie that end up with him leaning back in his chair, languidly crossing one leg over the other.

“Ahh, you’re talking about the tie?” 

Mishti nods.

“Well, you see it has always been Vivek who helped me with it,” Samrat says, an amused glint evident in his eyes. “Sadly, my entitled self never learnt how to knot it, being surrounded with this staff and of course, my valet, you see….” 

Mishti’s brows raise to her hairline as she hears the man saying what he just said. Is he roasting himself or showing off his wealth? Guess she’d never know but what she knows is that whatever he is doing, he is doing it purposely, if his barely their smirk on his lips is anything to go by.

Mishti admits that the next words that she says are impulsive even for her and that is saying something.

“I can help you with it.” 

She realizes how foolish she sounds as soon as she says those words, though before she has the time to regret it, the smirk on Samrat’s face grows, bordering towards a genuine smile. 

He cocks his head to the side, raising a brow. “Will you?”

Mishti nods, albeit unsurely.

Samrat raises another brow. “Why would you?” And the way he asks, with a hint of challenge in his eyes and mirth swimming in his eyes, makes any whisper of hesitance vanish from Mishti’s face, as she cocks her head to the side and sassily replies --

“I’m here to serve the entitled, so why not?” 

A surprised chuckle leaves Samrat’s mouth at the answer, as he hands her the end of his tie without another word, the tips of his fingers brushing against her palm.

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