Episode 30

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Mishti’s going to do it today.

She is going to steal the vase, though this time she is not alone in this task, someone else is helping her, helping her in not letting Samrat get hurt.

Just like she had helped before.

While Vivek refuses to physically be part of any type of theft, he is doing his best trying to keep his mouth shut like he’s been doing since morning when Mishti had carefully placed the vase in Aisha’s hands to get its replica made in an antique shop, send it to the agency in Mishti’s name, break it as soon as the courier reaches the place and bring back the original piece to her.

The difficult task, however, is to keep Samrat distracted enough during his breakfast as the skillfully observant man keeps on asking her if she feels that something is missing in the living room.

It’s a miracle that he hasn’t zeroed down on the missing thing being his treasured vase.

“Of course, n-not, everything’s the same. Are you – are you done with the meal?” Mishti asks hurriedly, her gaze flitting to the empty table, her ear busy hearing the static that comes from the other side of the line where Aisha is currently updating her with everything she does.

Samrat pauses feeding himself the spoonful of baked oats that he was relishing till now. He looks at Mishti confused. “I’ve just sat down for the meal, why would I be done so soon?” he asks, an underline whine in his voice that makes Mishti avert her attention and focus fully on him.

She bites back an amused smile. 

“My bad, I’ll let you have your breakfast in peace. Take as much time as you want, ok?” she says sweetly to which the man levels her with a slightly suspicious look, but gradually waves it off with a smile that Mishti still has a problem in getting used to, making her heart almost skip a beat.

Stupid organ!

It’s then Mishti sees it. His crooked tie. It easily sidetracks her from the task in hand as well as gives her a chance to distract the man in question.

“Your tie…” she prompts dazedly, gaze fixed on the accessory.

Samrat is yet again forced to halt his breakfast. “Huh?”

It’s then that Mishti looks him in the eyes. “Your tie is crooked, should I fix it for you?” she asks and Samrat’s gaze instantly falls to the object in question.

His tie indeed is crooked, and it’s not a task that can’t be done on his own. Still, the word that leaves his mouth is “S-Sure,” the spoon completely dropping from his hand. 

Mishti nods, hesitantly stepping closer to him, a hint of lemon wafting through her nose that she belatedly realizes is his scent. The thought makes her gulp audibly, her hands taking more time to fix the tie than they should. 

“I have given the vase in the shop for its replica to be made. The original almost slipped from my hands.” Aisha says from the other side of the phone, and eyes wide, Mishti reacts with the first thing that comes into her hands. The tie.



Both the boss and employee shriek at the same time, Mishti’s attention flitting from Aisha’s voice to the sight in front of her. The sight of her strangling her boss with his tie. 

“Oh, God!” She immediately loosens the tie from the man’s neck, looking at her with an equally shocked look as he levels her with. 

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. I didn’t realise – I didn’t want to hurt you, I’m so –” Misti frets but gets interrupted when Samrat’s hand comes to envelop around her own. 

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