Episode 10

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“It’s ok, Vivek, let her do it,” Samrat says, his hand stopping his valet mid-way as he tries to set his plates for him. 

Mishti cannot, even if she wants to, suppress the warmth that surges inside her chest at those words, biting back a squeal and ducking her head to hide the excited twinkle in her eyes as she plates the man’s food, a simple task that she had unexpectedly missed a lot for the past four days, unable to see the surprise in Samrat’s eyes at a particularly good bite or him discreetly licking his finger at the end of the meal, the action letting her know that the man liked the food even though he would never voice that himself. 

So, Mishti with a pleasant surprise gets to her task and sees as Samrat digs into the food, this time not waiting for even a second more, no shadow of doubt on his face.

Mishti doesn’t know whether he still trusts her fully or not, or if she ever wants him to do so considering who she is, but one thing that she knows is that he isn’t wary of her anymore and that is what makes all the difference, letting her heave a sigh of relief that had been stuck in her throat before the gardener had found Samrat’s watch, safely nestled between two potted plants. The watch that her brother had send to her via Ranvi, well not directly but her friend had done his work. 

Mishti already knew that her brother would be sending her another watch because he didn’t trust agency, especially this time when the task was so obvious, and the suspicion, without any doubt, had come onto her but the sudden arrival of the good news had still come to her as a surprise. 

Her brother didn’t do all this for Samrat, the imported watch which took three days to reach India not being a consequence of any guilt or remorse because from their group it was her brother who had always been the most practical one, less emotional, but when it comes to her, he is always too sensitive, too understanding and too good of a brother. He did all this to protect her from further suspicion. 

The fact that Samrat is relishing the balsamic feta Bruschetta without nitpicking about a single bite – has been possible all due to her brother. 

Naturally, Mishti can’t help the sudden urge that grows inside her heart to see her brother once again, to talk to him face to face even though she had talked to Ruhi yesterday and all they had talked about was him. Though Mishti still hasn’t forgotten the news of the arrival of their new yet familiar guest back at home, her heart longing to be beside her brother even more. Because whatever had happened between her brother and Tara had been all because of her, her brother had made enemies for the first time and let everyone know that he’d probably do anything for his sister. 

Mihir doesn’t forget about his sister’s tear-filled eyes, not until he coaxes her into telling the name of the culprit who had made his sister cry, and once he does get to know, he tells himself to never forget that name – Tara.

In the coming days, Ruhi witnesses her brother searching all the place for a girl named Tara, and at last he finds her talking with Raghav and Ruhi, all three of them swinging on the swing.

“You! You made Chutki cry, who are you to tell her that her parents are dead?” he shouts, not bothering if the supervisors will come and punish him. He NEEDS to give this girl a piece of his mind. The same girl who doesn’t seem deterred in the least, still swinging even though her friends have stop doing that.

“Hello to you too, and I don’t know who Chutki is or when I made her cry, but to answer your question, I’m just a fellow person whose parents have died, and so I kindly thought that everyone should be aware of that. The sooner people realise, the better it gets.” She smiles, Tara, and Mihir doesn’t take that kindly.

“My sister doesn't need your help, alright?” Mihir snarls, his gaze hardening at the unneeded smile. “ And I don’t know about you but my Chutki doesn’t deserve for her parents to be dead or to know that her parents are no more, get it?” 

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