Episode 33

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Mishti knows that yesterday’s events have taken a toll on her when she finds herself unable to get up from bed, her head getting dizzy as she tries to sit up, falling back on the pillow with a soft thud.

Her alarm rings, signalling her to get up and make the breakfast for her boss but her body doesn’t let her do it, she fleetingly can only look at the time on her phone flashing 9:00 am before she passes out on her bed, not able to distinguish if the dizzy spell is from physical or mental exhaustion. 

On the other hand, Samrat anxiously steps out of his room, taking one step forward and two steps back. He is nervous for some reason, had been thinking all night. He feels like Mishti had wanted to say something else to him yesterday, something she kept to herself. He wants to hear her say it, longs to go and quickly find himself in the company of the girl who has been occupying most part of his time either busy running through his thoughts or the kitchen.

Not for the first time, but he is thankful for his valet who quickly climbs up the stairs to bring the coffee to him, Samrat being in desperate need of a shot of caffeine before going to face the girl in question. 

“Your coffee, sir.”

Vivek hands him his beverage that he takes cautiously, smiling at him in return, something that he finds himself doing frequently these days. He doesn’t think he minds that, neither do the people surrounding him.

Samrat frowns as soon as he takes the first sip of the coffee. “Who made this?” he asks while his valet guiltily bows his head. 

Samrat’s frown deepens. “You did?” Vivek nods.

“Why? Where is Mishti?” he asks, an unprecedented fear seeping into his voice afraid that Mishti might have done something extreme as leaving this place after what he had said to her yesterday. But they had solved it, hadn't they?

But he realises that she hasn't been in her essence for the past few days, always seeming detached. He'd know, he has spent days being worried for her.

“She’s not well, sir. She has a high fever. I told her I’d escort her to the doctor, but she didn’t – Sir? Where are you …. your coffee –”

Samrat doesn’t wait to hear the rest of the sentence, putting the cup of coffee aside and rushing downstairs to the girl’s room, opening the door to which he indeed finds Vivek’s words to be true.

Surely enough, Mishti is laying there on her bed eyes closed and lips void of blood, face pale.

Samrat doesn’t consult her when he calls up his doctor telling him to reach his house as soon as possible if he wants to save his job. And once he's done politely inviting him, he makes his way into the girl's room, going and sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Mishti?” He says softly and sees as her eyes flutter open, widening slightly as she takes in his sight.

Samrat doesn't like that look on her face. He doesn't want her to be afraid of him or get surprised like this whenever he comes in front of her.

He wonders what he can do to make her comfortable.

“Don't worry, yeah? It's only me.” He says gently, trying to coax the girl into calming down, his hand indecisively floating in the air, itching to reach out and press a comforting hand against hers but is forced to take back his hand when Mishti's eyes fully open, her hands supporting her as she sits back on the bed.

“S-Sorry, I couldn't get up to make your breakfast....” The girl confesses tiredly, making Samrat roll his eyes.

What does the Mishti think he is; a man with no feelings?

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