Loki x Reader ♡

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Genre: fluff

Scenario: date

Fem reader

Its supposed to be heart warming, so I hope I did okay.

Just a little request I did on my Tumblr


"A date?" Y/n tilted her head, Loki nodded his head. He had a smile on his face, that smile just never left his face.

Y/n couldn't tell if he was lying or not, she thought about it and sighed in defeat. She agreed to the date and Loki was beaming with excitement. While y/n was doubting him, but she wanted to see where it would go.

"Let's meet at the tree where we both met at 3," Loki said then flew off, y/n stared at him and shook her head. "I hope this is not a prank." She said to herself.

Y/n smiled at the thought of going on a date with Loki, they have been by each other's side no matter what. Loki was pranked on y/n pretty often, but he didn't go far as making her cry. Making her cry would make him feel like something that didn't belong in her presence.

After she arrived at her place, she ran to her room and find what she was gonna wear. She had an hour to get ready, which she be enough time.

Y/n stared at herself in the mirror, the dress reached below her knees and her hair was neatly done. She didn't want to put it up since it would take up more time.

"Today, I will him and if he rejects me then that's okay." She said to herself. She looked at the clock and noticed how she was late, she panicked and ran out the door. "That's what I get for when I can't decide on what to wear." She whined as she ran

•With Loki

Loki made sure everything was in order, the smile on his face didn't disappear.

He was on his way to meet y/n, hoping she would be there. He was hoping she would be there.

Once he reached the spot and he immediately noticed that she wasn't there, he stood beside the tree and waited. He waited for a little longer then sighed, he began walking to the same path he came.

"Well, what did I expect." He mumbled, he was lost in thought when he heard someone calling his name. He turned around and saw her holding his sleeve, she was trying to catch her breath.

"Sorry, for keeping you waiting." She lightly smiled. Once she caught her breath, she straightened herself and smiled.

"I had a hard time trying to find a dress and lost track of time." She explained, Loki lightly laughed.

"Come, let's head out now!" Loki cheered and grabbed y/n's hand, y/n smiled at his excitement.

Y/n held his hand and softly smiled, she had never thought something like this would happen.

"How far is the place?" Y/n asked, Loki looked at her "just a little longer," he grinned. They walked through the forest, the sound of birds singing was all that could be heard.

Y/n moved a little closer to Loki, just so be sure that he wouldn't leave her. Loki noticed this and shook his head, you can't blame her for that.

When they got into the clearing, y/n couldn't believe how everything set up beautifully. Loki had prepared a picnic for the 2 of them.

Loki sat down beside her and took out the food and drinks, he was a bit nervous about the food and how it would taste. He set the plates up and handed one to y/n.

Y/n reached for the cake first, she took a bite out of the cake and smiled in delight. "Do you like it?" Loki asked, y/n turned to him and nodded her head.

She put the plate down and looked at Loki, "did you make all of this?" She asked, Loki nodded his head.

"I thought that I would make everything from scratch, but I wasn't sure if it would turn out great." He admitted, y/n laughed at his response. "I never knew that you had this kind of side." Loki stared at y/n, seeing her laugh made him feel warm.

Loki and y/n were finished eating and talked about the silly things Loki did.

"Do you think Poseidon is still mad at me for making him eat sushi?" He asked y/n laughed "how did you even get him to eat it without him noticing?"

"I hid it in the rice and put wasabi in it to hide the scent...I never ran so fast in my entire life." Loki smiled at the memory, Poseidon never stopped chasing Loki until thor came and saved Loki. It was a one-time thing, but Loki had to train with thor the next day.

The sun was setting, y/n stared at the view. Loki held her hand but let go, just in case if things didn't go as planned. "Y/n," Loki said her name, y/n turned to Loki.

"I brought you out today since I've been wanting to say something to you," Loki softly spoke, he was starting to get nervous but he made it this far, there is no turning back now.

"I know you probably won't believe me for what I'm going to say... I have grown to like you. Everything about you made me realize how much I liked you, you're the most beautiful woman I have seen. The memories we had together, the laughter we shared, and the times when you felt sad. I wanted everything to go perfectly for you, anything to make you smile. All I wanted to say was, I love you." Loki shut his eyes waiting for rejection

"You beat me to it," y/n smiled "I was planning on telling you that I love you, but it seems like you beat me to it." Y/n lightly blushed.

"Being a god of deceit must be hard. Some people don't take you seriously because of that, being lumped in with you and your shenanigans were not my intention but I had so much fun. As I grew closer to you, I noticed my feelings for you but I chose to keep it to myself. I enjoyed my day with you and knowing your feeling for me, made me feel happy. I love you too Loki" y/n softly kissed Loki's cheek

Loki's eyes widened, that was not what he was expecting. He smiled and hugged y/n, happiness was all he was feeling. The feeling of someone accepting who and what you are felt relieving.

"Let's do this again, I enjoyed it." Y/n hugged Loki, she smiled at the warmth she felt. Loki finally found the right person to cherish and love.

Kind of rushed but I did my best, he might have been a little out of character but I did enjoy writing this.

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