Thor x Reader ♡

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Genre: Fluff

Scenario: y/n trying to confess

Fem reader

Title: "Confess?"

° Hope you like it °

°And sorry for the grammar mistakes °


Having a father who is a sleep-deprived god is troublesome, always irritated and never fun.

Y/n and Poseidon were sitting down and reading their books in nothing but silence, the whole place was quiet. Y/n didn't like it, it was too quiet for her liking.

"Whatever you are thinking, I want you to stop it."

Y/n froze, many scenarios went through her head of what would happen. She placed her book down on her lap, "whatever do you mean father?" She nervously smiled, he was terrifying to talk to even as his daughter.

"You haven't flipped a single page for the last 10 minutes, what is it you are thinking of." Poseidon put his book down and stared at his daughter, he didn't like it that his daughter was distracted.

"It's nothing important." She stood up and turned around, she was close to taking a step before a loud noise made her go stiff. Poseidon was standing up with his trident in his hand.

"If it is not important, then why did you stop reading." He demanded

"I was wondering when I would have my weapon." Y/n lied, telling Poseidon about her crush would create a whole day of arguing or fighting.

"Turn around and face me. I didn't teach you to be a coward." His cold tone was already making her tremble in fear, she turned around and faced him. "Repeat what you just said."

"I was wondering when I would have my weapon." She repeated herself, silently grateful that she didn't stutter.

"When you have completed your training then you'll have your weapon," he replied, feeling thankful for him falling for the lie.

"Now, go get ready. We are expecting guests this afternoon and you will escort them here." He told her and walked away, not bothering to tell her who was coming.

Y/n sighed of relief and immediately booked it out of the room, Poseidon was hard to talk to.

Running through the halls and empty rooms, no one else was in the palace except y/n and Poseidon. That God didn't need anyone else nor help, everything is clean and quiet. No interruptions, no laughing, just silence.

Y/n slowed down and took a breather, running up and down the stairs did do a toll on her stamina. "Hundreds of years... endless blood, sweat and tears AND I still can't run up and down stairs like it's nothing." She laughed, oh how funny it was, being Poseidon's daughter didn't mean she was exactly like him.

Sure! She had his hair and eye colour, but she had more personality than her father. Therefore... Higher expectations were on her, she had to be the best of the best and not the lowest.

Hours pass by and it was time for her to go up to the surface, y/n walked out of the castle and walked up the stone path. The water parted as she walked, as she got closer and closer she could see 4 figures. One was levitating off the ground in a bad posture, the second one...she could only see that they didn't have much hair? The third was quite tall and the fourth one seemed to have good posture.

When she stopped in front of the 3 who were Zeus, Hermes, Loki and Thor.

"My, my! Look at how grown up you look!" Zeus exclaimed, excited about seeing his niece. Y/n wanted to smile...but she couldn't, it would break her reputation as Poseidon's daughter. After all, a God does not falter.

"I will be escorting you to the palace, please follow me." Y/n politely said then turned around, Zeus happy-go-lucky-ass ran ahead of her and was out of sight in seconds. Y/n closed her eyes, she was supposed to have them ALL arrive at the same time!

She sighed and opened her eyes, she was greeted with a purple one. Y/n stumbled back and bumped into someone, "you can quit the act now~" Loki smiled, y/n whipped herself around and saw Hermes behind her smiling.

"I do agree with him," Hermes said, y/n was blushing from the embarrassment, Loki was an inch away from her face and she had bumped into Hermes.

"We should get going now, father doesn't like waiting long." She nervously smiled, she was going to get scolded later for that. She walked past Loki and continued to walk down, it got darker as they went deeper and deeper into the ocean. Loki accidentally flew into the water once it got darker and now he was soaked, everyone had stopped when they heard Loki yell.

"Why is it so dark down here?! How do you even see where you're walking!" He exclaimed, he slowly landed on the ground and reached for y/n and grabbed her hand. "I don't feel like walking into it again! So, I'm gonna hold your hand!" He shivered, the water was cold and he was wearing skin ass tight clothes.

Y/n smiled at the trickster's childish behaviour, "you still haven't answered my question!" Loki whined, already starting to feel uncomfortable by the way his clothes felt.

"I can see where everything is and I also live down here." She answered, she tried to keep everything short and she was 3 minutes late already!

When the castle came into view and see Zeus's figure waving at them and Poseidon was standing there with his trident. Y/n let go of Loki's hand and walked faster, the 3 doing the same.

Y/n stopped in front of Poseidon, "it shouldn't have taken you that long." His harsh tone made y/n clench her jaw, "I'll make sure it doesn't happen again, father." She quietly spoke. Poseidon didn't seem satisfied with her answer but decided to let it be, now he had to entertain his brother.

"Y/n, do you mind taking the others and show them around?" Zeus asked, y/n nodded her head and made a hand motion to follow her. The 3 followed her to the other side of the palace and went to the library, the first thing she did was flop onto the couch. "Question! Why are we in a library?" Loki asked as looked at the endless shelf of books, "would you want to sit in a room and stare at random fish? Cause I don't. " Y/n voice was muffled by the pillow.

Hermes was already on the second floor looking for a book, while Thor took a seat on another couch. Y/n quickly sat up on the couch when thor passed her, Loki sat beside y/n and brought his knees to his chest.

"what do you even do while you're here?"

"Train, sleep, cook, read...that's it," Y/n replied, Loki stared at her like she was some monster. "That's all? That is one boring life I say." He joked

"Y/n, do you have any books on deserts?" Hermes said out loud, this caught Loki's attention. He stared at y/n and decided to ask her, "are you allowed to bake here?" He asked, y/n turned to him and raised her eyebrow. "What kind of question is that? Of course, as long as I pick up my mess and make something for father." She happily said, she ran up the stairs to where Hermes.

She scanned the shelf and saw the book....classic, it was on a higher shelf. Y/n turned to Hermes and nervously smiled, "c-can you help me get the book?" She stuttered. Asking for help was something she has never done, rejection is what is holding her back from doing so.

Hermes reached for the book and gave it to her, y/n thanked him and ran back down, she took her seat beside Loki and opened the book. Loki was way too close in Thor's opinion, the trickster knew what he was doing and kept doing it to anger Thor.

And it worked.


• There will be a part 2 to this

• I am working on 10 other requests and it will be posted very soon.



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