Poseidon x reader

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Yandere Poseidon

Mage fem reader

Genre: I don't even know

Title: "mine"


A mage? Poseidon has never heard of such a thing.

He watched the female fight, taking note that she wasn't like any other human he had seen.

Y/n, he only knew her name and that was it, She didn't even need to raise a single punch in the fight. Soon enough, the god was beaten by her, she didn't even need to use her weapon.

The human side cheered in victory and the gods' side glared at the other side, they were mad that a human was able to beat a got within minutes!

Poseidon was intrigued by her ability, he wanted to see more.

The female walked out of the arena and levitated over to the water fountain, y/n thought this whole thing was stupid and childish. She couldn't die, she was given protection and any kind of information she desired from demons.

Poseidon had followed her to the fountain, not caring if she knew he was following her.

Y/n turned her head to the side and saw the blonde staring, something about him made her feel uncomfortable.

"what do you want." She demanded, she was ready for anything he might do

"What are you, you can't possibly be a human with abilities like that," Poseidon demanded, his words were cold and y/n wasn't going to let some god talk to her that way.

"I am a mage and human, I'm guessing you're Poseidon, correct?" Y/n backed up it, just in case.

Poseidon grinned, it wasn't an innocent one either. He looked terrifying.

Y/n wouldn't be lying to herself if she said she was intimidated by him, but also interested. Dark eye bags could be seen on his pale face, no emotion was shown whatsoever, he seemed to be in good shape as well.

"Well, what is it that you want?" Y/n crossed her arms, she was beginning to feel impatient

"You, you have intrigued me. I have seen no human take down a god that quickly before, I want to know more about you, y/n." He walked forward to her, he got closer and closer to her.

"Perfect cube,"

Poseidon stopped once the spell was cast, he hadn't seen this one in the arena, he raised his trident and hit the barrier... it didn't break.

"I will not let you take another step towards me and I will not let you talk to me that way either!" She grew closer and closer to God, not even thinking about Poseidon breaking the perfect cube.

"You're beautiful but very Stubborn I see... I'm sure we'll fix that in no time."

Once she got close enough, Poseidon broke the perfect cube. Y/n immediately flew back but Poseidon had gripped her neck, making y/n gasp.

"A mere technique like that won't stop me. I am a god and you are just a human." He tightened his grip on her neck, y/n tried scratching his arm but it did nothing and only left red marks.

"Be mine and maybe I'll consider letting you go, if not then...I'll kill you right here and now." He said as a sinister smile made was plastered on his face. He wanted her, this human has caught his eye and her abilities only made him want her more.

Y/n was close to passing out and she didn't want to some gods toy, even though she couldn't die... she can still feel pain.

He didn't even show a bit of mercy towards her. Y/n thought he was gonna more laid back than the others,

No!! I will not have this damn god ordering me around just because I'm a human!!

Time was ticking and y/n has 2 choices.

1. Agreeing on being his


2. Suffer until she agrees which would probably take years

Y/n will probably take the first option and not the second, she didn't want to suffer by his hands.


"I..agree.." she struggled to say, he let her fall to the ground and watched her gasp for air.

Now she was all his.

"You have the looks but... you have a trashy attitude. No wonder you're still alone." Y/n scoffed, she stood back up and staggered a bit. She wasn't wrong of course, he was an eye candy... a sour one.

Y/n stood at least arm's length away from him, she didn't want him to do anything else.

"But why must you choose me? I am not interested in anything else, I only want to gain every single knowledge of everything, I have no interest in relationships." Y/n glared at Poseidon, she hated the way he treated her. Just because he is a god, doesn't mean he could treat her like she was some sort of toy.

"I only want to see how long you can last, seeing that match has caught my attention. Most humans don't, but you did. Become mins and I will give anything you desire, all I ask in return is to satisfy me."

Y/n hated it, she hated him.

"Let's see how long we can both last with each other." Y/n smiled

Just as they both wanted. Poseidon wanted her and y/n got what she wanted, no feeling will be put into whatever this is.

She only wanted to gain knowledge from the gods in the hope it will satisfy her hunger, Poseidon will be fun to play with.

"I have a thing to say before I even move on to other things," y/n moved closer to Poseidon.

"Don't ever treat me like some doll and if you do, I'll make sure you have a painful death."

Poseidon's mouth curved into a small smile. He was going to love every second with her, not only does she have the courage to talk back but to also threaten him.

A perfect mage like her will satisfy him.




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