Hades X Reader

478 22 1

Title: "my wife."

Genre: Angst

Scenario: Neglect

Fem Reader


His death was probably the reason why Hades was mad. Y/n sighed, she saw the whole fight and Poseidon had lost to an old human. He was basically cut up like sushi in front of everyone!

Y/n frowned and walk over to Hades, she wanted to see if there was any kind of way she can help.

"How could my brother lose to some human. He is stronger than this!" Hades ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. His younger brother was just killed and he wasn't having it with these humans.

Y/n was unlucky. No matter what she did, she just couldn't help him in any kind of way. Hades would only push her away. He pushed his wife away.

He was the God of the Underworld and y/n was the strongest demon in the underworld, Indura was feared by all demons and only obeyed Hades.

"we are going up to get a better view at the matches." Hades said the walked away with y/n beside him.

"I don't understand how my brother could lose so damn easily!" He yelled as he pushed the door open and slammed it shut. Y/n was lucky enough to quickly move out of the way before the door shut.

"Indura, why is it my brother lost to some old human?" He asked as he stared at his wife

"My name is y/n! Not indura!" She hissed as she stared at hades with anger

Hades and y/n have been together for a very long time, they're arguing was constant and both were too stubborn to back down. Hades took a liking towards her when he saw the potential she had.

"You want to start again." He walked toward her and stood infront of her, trying to intimidate her.

"I could argue with you all night, but your too dumb to even acknowledge what you say and do to me!" Y/n yelled

The balled up frustration and anger made her feel hatred for him, someone who was supposed to love and care for her. She had a disgusted look on her face every time he looked at her, but she did have a point that the only time he 'talked' with her is when he was bored.

"Why should it matter, you are just a demon to me. You aren't a God."

Y/n stood there frozen in her place, she tried to swallow down the lump in her throat when he said that. Was that all he saw her as?

"Y/n." He called her name as he stared at the frozen demon

She breathed as slowly as she can and bowed to him, "I'll take my leave then, lord Hades." She calmly said as she walked towards the door leaving Hades shocked

Never, never has he seen y/n bow down to any God...even if she was threatened. He watched her walk out and he himself was too shocked by what she did. He took a seat and put his hands to his face and sighed.

"Wow I didn't know that lord Hades had feelings." Hermes walked in and shut the door

"If my brother sent you here then leave." He looked up at Hermes who was casually making tea at the table.

"No, I wasn't sent by him. I'm actually here to give you a little advise about women." He smiled as he passed Hades a cup of tea

"It's not like you're married nor been with a woman." Hades huffed as he took the cup of tea

"Hmm say women are like a tea cup, fragile. Everything about them is fragile, y/n doesn't ask for a lot of things nor does she leave the palace." Hermes lifts an empty cup onto his hand

"If you mistreat her, yell at her, and hit her," he paused and dropped the cup

"You break her." He smiled as he bent down to pick up the broken pieces. Hades watched as Hermes carefully picked up the pieces off the ground and put it back into his hand

"Try putting all the pieces back is difficult, she will be consumed by sadness and anger. She may put on a strong act, but she is sensitive. Now if she didn't love you then she wouldn't have stayed with you this long." Hermes explained as he slowly put the pieces of the cup back together

"Why are yoy telling me this." Hades demanded as he stood up, feeling angered by what Hermes was telling him

"Y/n wants to feel loved, cared for, adored, like she is the most priceless jewl to you. If you don't do that for her, then someone else will." Hermes calmly said, but his words were serious.

Hades thought back about all those times y/n wanted to go out and have dates together. The park in her eyes were gone, her glowing aura was gone, everything about her was gone.

"I suggest you make it up to her while there's still time." Hermes said before he shut the door

Hades quickly rushed out the door and down the halls, trying to find y/n. He spent around 15 minutes trying to find her until he found her in the garden crying. He remembered that she loved flowers cause that was the only thing she got to see from the underworld.

He opened the glass doors and softly closed it, hoping that it wouldn't any noise. He gently pushed away the bushes and leafs out of the way and stood over y/n.

"If you come here to argue with me, then just go back to the room. I'm tired." She dryly said trying to compose her self from crying in front of him

"That's not what I came here to do." He gently said, getting onto his knees and staring at her.

"I've come to apologize, forgive me for mistreating you. I never meant to hurt you my love." He softly spoke as he reached for her hand

Y/n looked at him, her eyes were red from crying, her lips were bleeding from her bitting it to contain her tears earlier.

"I swear that I'll treat you better, you may not be a god, but you are my wife. I will treat you like my wife and not just a servant or a demon." He said as he slowly pulled her into a hug

"You mean it?" Y/n asked as she wrapped her arms around him

"I swear my love." He hushed and held her tighter

'The mere thought of losing you scared me, I'd never knew how much I loved you until you left. I'd rather die than live without you.'


Had to put a little hint of emotion into it :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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