kojirou and Poseidon reaction

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Poseidon and kojirou's reaction♡

Poseidons son and kojirous daughter




Ahhh a nice sunny day and kojirou were enjoying his nice cup of tea, well that was until y/n ran down the halls with excitement.

"Where are you going y/n?" Kojirou asked as he watched his daughter run into the kitchen and run back out.

"I'm going to the beach with some friends!" She shouted and ran out quickly. Kojirou blinked a couple of times before he crossed his arms and thought for a second.

Y/n and kojirou are at least 2 hours away from the village...y/n never really liked going out...then it clicked..

"So you FINALLY figured it out, you old fart." Poseidon walked out of the forest with an irritated look on his face, he held onto his trident with a tight grip. Kojirou sigh and stood up

"What do you want this time?"kojirou crossed his arms and looked at the irritated God with a not-so-surprised look on his face.

"My son has been sneaking out of the palace for a couple of weeks and the only human I know, knows where kids they're age go." Poseidon huffed and put his trident on the table.

"Hmm my daughter has been going out for these past weeks..." kojirou sipped his tea and closed his eyes in thought.

"How can you be this dumb you fool! My son is with YOUR daughter!" Poseidon sternly said and looked directly into kojirou's eyes.

Kojirou got up and put his slippers on, while Poseidon watched his "friend" walk in the direction where he saw his daughter run off.

"It doesn't hurt to see what they're doing." Kojirou calmly said and Poseidon couldn't help but follow him.

The walk was silent and awkward since Poseidon was still strict about walking alongside a human, even after Ragnarok was settled. Soon enough the duo reached the beach and hid in a bush to hide from the couple.

Y/n was laughing and smiling as Poseidon's son. They looked like they didn't have a care in the world.

"Kai will not be allowed to meet your daughter, kojirou." Poseidon hissed as he watched the couple smile and laugh.

"Jeez let them be you crabby old man! They're young and in love!" Kojirou grabbed the god's hair and moved his head back and forth

The couple stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction their fathers were in, they both sighed and walked over to the bush and stood there.

"My son is a God and you're daughter is a human!"

"My daughter is my pride and joy AND is a talented samurai!"

It kept going back and forth until y/n and Kai pulled both of them out of the bush and stared at them. The 4 didn't say anything but stare at each other.

"Ummm what are you doing here?"  Kai asked as he looked at his dad, utterly confused about why his dad is over here.

Poseidon stood up and looked at y/n with a disgusted look, well...y/n stared at him too with a bored look on her face. Kojirou and Kai watched the 2 and noticed they were staring at each other's eyes with hate.

Kojirou sighed and bonked Poseidon's head.

"Will you stop staring at my daughter like that?" He bluntly said

"She doesn't look like a samurai or anything for that matter," Poseidon huffed and turned to his son.

Welp! Poseidon gave in to the fact that his son is in a relationship with a human, all thanks to Kojirou convincing him for the past 5 hours.

× With y/n and Kai ×

"I kinda expected your father to be scarier looking, but he looks so sleep deprived." Y/n lightly laughed

"I'm surprised your dad convinced him to allow us to date," Kai sighed and put his head down.

"Did your father tell you that story of Ragnarok that happened 20 years ago?" Y/n asked as she walked along the shoreline with Kai.

"No, my dad never tells me anything." Kai looked down at the sand.

Y/n told Kai about Ragnarok and Kai couldn't believe it, his dad, Poseidon...lost to kojirou. Y/n kept talking about all the battles and how Kojirou was reincarnated after Ragnarok and had a family, but kojirou also had a wish from the gods from being the winner.

He asked if it was possible if Poseidon was reincarnated as a God again, not to fight him, but to become friends with God. Although kojirou failed 35 times, he managed to get the sleep-deprived God to become his friend.

Later in life, kojirou's wife passed away while giving birth to y/n, but he managed to raise y/n into a beautiful swordsman.

Poseidon on the other hand had a difficult time raising Kai and refused to accept kojirou's offer on helping him.

Now kojirou and Poseidon were sitting in the back of the house drinking tea and playing games on a little table, both always ended up in a tie so they just agreed to drink tea.

Y/n and Kai were in the kitchen cooking, but struggling because Kai never cooked before

"See Poseidon, life isn't always war and hate. Just enjoy it because sometimes you'll miss the good things in life." Kojirou smiled at the 2 couple who were trying to make tea

"You're right, but this lifestyle isn't what I'm used to." Poseidon looked at the smile Kai had on his face.

Sometimes life isn't always war and blood, enjoy the little things in life while you can.


That's the best I can do

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