Poseidon x goddess reader ♡

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Genre: Fluff

Scenario: happy ending

Fem goddess reader

Title: "I love you."

I seemed to have noticed some people asking for a happy ending, so here it is. Hope you like it.


Poseidon sat down in a room, watching the fight with Adam and Zeus. He was up next, he wanted to get over with this Ragnarok thing and go home.

Y/n on the other hand was worrying over Poseidon, she was sitting beside Poseidon, shaking like a leaf. These humans evolved, they weren't as dumb as they thought.

"Stop worrying over me y/n," Poseidon spoke, he was irritated.

"But, you're up next! I can't help it." She nervously said, fiddling with her fingers as she spoke. Poseidon seemed to have noticed it, he held her hands hoping to ease her worry.

"It's going to be okay, I promise that I will come back to you." He softly said, he pulled her into a hug and held her. Soon enough, it was Poseidon's turn.

Y/n kissed him and held his hand, "please come back to me, Poseidon." She muttered, Poseidon gave her one last hug before walking into the arena.

Y/n quickly flew up to where Hermes was to watch the fight, she sat down in her chair beside Loki. She fiddled with her sleeve as she watched the match, she had never been so nervous like this. Loki watched the goddess looking at the match with worry, he was pretty confident that Poseidon will win.

"You must love him, don't you?" Loki said to y/n, she turned to Loki's terrified expression. "I do, but I'm worried." She admitted to Loki, y/n was scared of losing him. Loki didn't understand the idea of love, he couldn't understand what she was feeling.

She loved Poseidon with everything she had, he may be cold towards everyone but not her. She meant everything to him, that's what he's living for. He loved y/n and he promised to come back to her. Then, it happened

It felt like time froze, y/n watched as kojiro cut poseidons arm off. Her eyes widened, the other gods stared in shock. A human managed to cut of Poseidon's arm. Y/n stood up on the chair, tears were building up as the fight continued.

After kojiro was announced the winner in the 3rd match, humanity cheered in victory. Y/n watched as the archangels took him off the arena, kojiro decided to show a little mercy and decided to not finish him off. Kojiro could see the way y/n looked, for the sake of y/n he decided to let him live.

Poseidon was unconscious by the amount of blood loss. The archangels took him to the infirmary and healed him, they managed to connect his arms but he would no longer be able to lift his trident without shaking.

Y/n sat beside Poseidon and waited for him to wake up, she silently cried. That human showed Poseidon mercy for her sake, this was the first time she felt grateful to a human. Y/n stood up and walked over to the other room, looking for kojiro, she wanted to thank him for what he had done.

She stood in front of the door, wiping away the tears. She knocked on the door, waiting for approval to come in. "Come in." Y/n heard a muffled voice, she opened the door and walked in, making sure to close it behind her.

Kojiro was all wrapped up and healed, now all he had to do was rest and he should be okay. He was sitting up and drinking his tea, he smiled when he saw the goddess.

"Let me guess, you are here to thank me for sparing his life?" Kojiro asked, y/n nodded her head, already feeling the tears building up.

"I thank you for doing that, I honestly thought it was the end for him...and if it did, I would've taken my own life to be with him." She sobbed, kojiro smiled at the goddess's love for Poseidon. He had never seen a pure-hearted goddess cry over the heartless God.

"The moment I held my sword to his heart, I could see him glance at you then back at me. I looked at where he was staring and I saw you, I assumed you were something special to him." Kojiro happy said, he was glad that he made the right choice to let Poseidon live.

"I'd leave for before he wakes up." Kojiro smile, y/n smiled and nodded her head, she rubbed away the tears and left.

When you walked back into Poseidon's room, you took your seat and held his hand. The archangels told you about the changes Poseidon will have after his arms were healed, she frowned, she knew how mad Poseidon was gonna be when he heard the news...but it was better than him dying.

Y/n noticed how Poseidon started moving around, Poseidon slowly sat up, trying to regain his posture. He looked over to his side and saw y/n holding his hand, not daring to look at him.

"I lost. Didn't I." He quietly spoke, y/n nodded her head.

"They said, you weren't gonna be able to hold your trident like you used to, your arms will shake of the height and the pressure you put on your arms," Y/n explained to him, making sure to tell the whole truth. She kept her gaze on the ground, waiting for his wrath.

"That's okay...as long as you are by my side then I don't need my trident. Seeing you by my side is all that matters to me." He softly said y/n turned him with tears streaming down her face. Y/n went to bed to hug him, making sure to not hurt him in the process.

Poseidon lied back down with y/n still hugging him, he wrapped his arms around her delicate body and lightly smiled. Y/n was worthy of him, his love and time, he was happy that he found someone who would stay by his side no matter what.

"I never got to tell you this," Poseidon paused and looked at y/n, he wiped her tears away and pulled her back into a hug.

"I love you."

Those 3 words made your heart fill with joy.

"I love you too, Poseidon." Y/n smiled, her heart was complete. Poseidon's heart filled with the warmth of finally telling y/n those 3 words, every word he meant was from the heart.

"Maybe, he does have a heart, but only for her. As long as they live happily, I am sure they will have a great future ahead of them." Kojiro smiled with joy, he liked the way Poseidon loved y/n more than anything. That was a moment he will never forget of the 2 lovers. Kojiro quietly walked back to him to his room to let the couple enjoy their moment.

° Hope, You Liked It °

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