Thor X male reader ♡

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• Genre: fluff

• Scenario: Loki being an idiotic cousin.

• uke male reader

• Title: "My Idiotic Cousin."


Loki was doing is usual pranks, checking off every name on his list. His next prank was going to probably get him killed, thor was next.

He transformed into thor's guard, he chuckled to himself. Thor trusts his guard and Loki was going to ruin it for the both of them. This trickster had an endless amount of pranks, I'm surprised he isn't dead.

Loki walked into the palace, he made sure to keep a stoic look just so to play the part. He walked over to thor's room and knocked on the door, he was pretty confident that he can escape from thor. But the one thing Loki left out was...m/n never knocked on thor's door. Loki was out of character, way out. He didnt know m/n like the way thor knew him.

Loki opened the door and walked in, he looked around the room and couldn't find thor anywhere. "He's usually in his room...but where did he go?" Loki asked himself, he jumped on thor's bed and sat there. M/n's uniform was uncomfortable, the corset was tight and the skin tight shirt was making it hard to breathe.

"M/n, where did thor go?" Odin asked, Loki looked up at Odin. "He said he was gonna go for a walk," he lied. Odin immediately knew it was Loki, Odin didn't have time for this so he ignored it and left.

Loki thought about it longer...Thor wasn't training or anything, he was relaxing in the garden. Thor would sit in the garden and enjoy the weather.

"Why didn't I think of this sooner!" He huffed, Loki ran out of the room and into the garden. He walked over to thor with a huge grin on his face, he was gonna get thor this time.

"Master thor, Master Odin was looking for you." Loki politely said, thor turned to Loki and grabbed him by the neck. Loki changed back into his form, "okay! You caught me! Can you let go now?! Its getting hard to breath!" Loki yelled.

"Master thor? And Master Odin?! You must have a screw lose Loki!" M/n jumped down from the tree, m/n crossed his arm and smirked. "I never call them Master nor do I keep a stoic look on my face, you almost had it though." M/n smiled, he walked over to Loki and held his hand out for him. Loki took his hand and stood up, m/n turned to thor and saw him holding his hammer.

"Loki...I think you should start running." M/n whispered to the trickster, Loki didn't most a single muscle. Then clicked in, he probably broke a couple of his ribs by the corset.
M/n stood in front Loki, "hold on thor!" He yelled, he looked behind him and Loki collapsed.

M/n panicked looked at thor with pleading eyes, he couldn't just leave Loki like this. Thor sighed and lifted up his idiotic cousin, he walked back to the palace and into the infirmary. M/n has to chase thor out of the room so he wouldn't hurt the trickster, once that was done he headed over to the unconscious male.

M/n took of the top half of his clothes, the first thing he noticed was the dark bruises. M/n put a little pressure on the markings, he looked at Loki's neck to see handprints, while loki flinched at the pressure, his breathing was heavy. He was really starting regret underestimating thor's guard.

"You tied the corset too tight," m/n informed Loki. M/n turned around and looked through the cupboards, he was looking for a bright neon green bottle. "How can you move in that monstrosity?" He groaned in pain.

"Dont move too much, you might rupture you're lungs or heart." M/n mumbled as he looked around, loki slowly laid back down and stayed in the same spot. The last thing he wanted was rupturing his heart and lungs.

"Found it!" M/n cheered, he grabbed the tube and 3 needles. He measured out the amount of the liquid and set it aside, he closed the tube and put it back.

Loki was curious on what was in the tube, "if you don't mind me asking...what was in that tube?" He nervously laughed and pointed at the tube. M/n looked at the tube then at loki and laughed "if you think im going to poison you then you're wrong, this is a rare healing liquid that was given to me from a friend." M/n smiled and walked over to Loki.

He injected the serum into his chest and neck, m/n could see the bruises slowly fading. He let out a sighed of relief, he was scared that trickster was gonna die. Loki let out a sigh then sat up, he looked at his chest and noticed the bruises were gone.

"You will have to rest for at least 6 weeks, no lifting, no tight clothes, and no moving around like a pretzel." M/n crossed his arms, while loki stared at his clothes then at m/n. " what do I do for the next 6 weeks?" He whined

"Oh! And how did thor notice it was me?" He raised is eyebrow in confusion, m/n took off his glove and showed him is hand. Loki squinted his eyes and saw a ring on his finger, he gasped and stared at the male with disbelief.

"You, you are married to thor! So thats why he recognized he so quickly!" He groaned, m/n shook his head at the idiot. A knock was heard at the door and m/n walked over and opened it, Loki hid behind m/n for protection.

"Did you tell him yet?" Thor asked, m/n smiled and nodded his head. "You can let go now." M/n softly smiled, Loki hesitantly let go but stayed behind m/n just in case.

"Come now, let go have a couple of drinks and enjoy ourselves." M/n smiled, thor agreed along with loki.

• They enjoyed themselves in the end, m/n had to explain to loki about him and thor. Loki ended up getting too drunk and cried because thor got married before him, thor laughed at his cousins childish behavior. Overall, they had fun. •

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