Loki X Reader

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This is just a little sneak peek for the next one-shot.


Thor volunteered to dress Loki up. Why? Because Loki might end up doing something to his outfit.

"I have never been this nervous before," Loki admitted as Thor adjusted Loki's coat.

For once Thor was happy that Loki was admitting what he was feeling, Loki was not an easy person who said what he was feeling.

"I'm more surprised that you asked her...after all, you never stopped talking about her." Thor sighed and straightened his posture. Loki stared in the mirror and took in his appearance.

His hair was styled the same way he always had it. His usual outfit was replaced with a dark green tuxedo. A few accessories were added...overall, he looked beautiful.

Loki was focused on his reflection and didn't hear the door open and close.

"I assume you're ready," Odin said as he walked towards his nephew and son. After all, Odin didn't want Loki to mess up on his special day.

"I'm just excited to see my bride." Loki smiled and turned around, Odin was pleased to see his nephew dressed up formally.

Don't mess this up Loki.


Happy Halloween!!

My boyfriend cancelled our plans last minute to go with his friends! And I was already dressed up! And my friend invited me to a party, but I cant go.

So, I hope you all enjoy your Halloween:)

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