Loki x reader ♡

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Genre: fluff

Scenario: telling shiva about y/n's crush

Shivas little sister

Title: overprotective brother


Such a peaceful day, everything was calm but not for long.

"Loki?!?" Shiva screeched, he was shaking his little sister. Y/n was always feeling sick by the way he was shaking her, her hair was flying all over the place.

"C'mon y/n! I don't care if it's thor, Poseidon, Hermes or Hercules... But Loki of all people!" He dramatically whined, y/n laughed at her brother. He was dramatic when it came to boys, he wanted the best of the best for her.

"He is not that bad brother." She tried reasoning with him but he didn't listen, y/n watched her brother walking away. "Brother, where are you going?" Y/n asks as she ran after him.

"I am gonna see that clown and have a little talk with him!" He declared and started running, y/n freaked out and ran after him. Shiva's wives watched the siblings running at laughed at their antiques.

Y/n managed to run ahead of shiva, she looked around and tried to spot loli before her brother. She looked behind and saw shiva reaching for one of her arms, she freaked out and ran faster.

When Loki came into view, she immediately jumped and grabbed his cape and dragged him into a random room. She let go of Loki and collapsed to the ground, her breathing was heavy due to running that long.

"I said shiva Loki, not his sister." Thor sighed, Loki turned to his cousin.

"I didn't bring her! She just randomly dragged me by my cape and pulled me into the room!" He whined, y/n stood up and locked the door.

"Why did you even drag him here y/n?" Thor asked, thor knew about y/n's little crush but chosen not to Loki. Y/n looked at thor and nervously laughed "shiva was gonna make me train but I ran off," she lied and thor knew it too but went along with it.

Y/n was gonna speak but they heard loud knocking on the door, she panicked and pulled Loki.

"Again!?! What does it have to do with me?!" Loki cried out as y/n pulled him into a closed, thor put his hammer in front of the closet. The door was smashed to pieces by the pressure of his punches, shiva walked up to thor.

"Where are they? I know they're here." Shiva huffed, y/n listened to what they're saying. Loki was utterly confused, he was only told to get shiva and bring him to thor but how did he end up in this position.

"Did you know about this thor? About y/n little crush on him?" Shiva asked, sweating from running.

"C'mon thor, I can't have my little sister dating a comedian!" He tried reasoning, y/n was hoping Loki wouldn't say or do anything to make them get caught. Luck wasn't on her side today.

"Does anyone mind telling me what's going on?" He said out loud, thor cursed at Loki for giving out their hiding spot. Shiva stopped beside the door and broke it, he pulled out Loki and y/n.

Shiva crouched down to face Loki and Loki was confused at this point. Y/n looked around and spotted a sushi roll, and she knew how much shiva hated sushi. She reached her hand out to grab it, once it was in her grasp.

Shiva was opened his mouth and y/n found the opportunity to stick it in his mouth when shiva closed his mouth. His face turned into disgust, he turned around and saw y/n nervously smiling. Thor stood up and immediately dragged Loki out of the room, shiva noticed that and spit out the food.

Y/n ran after Thor and Loki with shiva running behind them, "y/n, why won't you let me talk to shiva?" Loki yelled over the sound of Thor's armour, "he wants to rip you apart but I'm telling you why!" She yelled back.

Thor was regretting his choice of leaving home cause now he is stuck in a sibling quarrel. The ocean came into view, he looked behind and saw y/n looked at the ocean than at thor.

"Loki, can you swim?" Thor asked his cousin, Loki looked at him with disbelief. "Of course I can!" He shouted, thor grabbed one of y/n's arms and tossed both Loki and y/n into the ocean.

Y/n looked at thor with wide eyes, she couldn't swim if her life depended on it. The oy thing she knew was to hold her breath, Loki seemed to have noticed her panicked state.

When they hit the water, Loki quickly grabbed y/n and swam to a cave. He flew her onto the sand and crossed his arms, he was not expecting a game of tag today.

"You mind telling why shiva was chasing us?" He asked, y/n stood up and leaned against the rocks.

"He's mad cause I told him I have little thing for you and he dramatically complained about it, and here we are." She explained but then realized what she said, she froze at looked at Loki.

Loki laughed "all that running and arguing was over that!" He laughed, y/n felt something drop inside her.

Did he make fun of her feelings? Or maybe her?

She was starting to regret saying that, "it's fine if you don't like me but you don't have to laugh at me." She mumbled, she looked down and noticed her clothes and shoes were completely drenched. She wore the same thing shiva wore but had her chest wrapped her flats felt uncomfortable

"Oh, I'm not laughing at you. I just find it hilarious how shiva's reaction was to it, but you beat me to the confession part. I was gonna tell you earlier, that's why thor asked me to get Shiva so I could tell you." Loki explained, y/n stared at him and laughed at herself for thinking like that.

"Now that we got that out of the way, what should we do about shiva?" Loki asked, y/n started sweating about what her brother would say and do.

"We could run to his wives and ask them to talk to shiva about us." He suggested, y/n nodded her head.

When y/n asked her sisters-in-law to talk to shiva about the problem, they agreed and told them to go wait somewhere until they're done.

After that, shiva refrained from hitting Loki, but he did go over a lot of things if he was going to date y/n. Y/n thanked her sisters-in-law for talking to shiva.

Y/n made thor some sweets as an apology for getting him involved with her and shiva, thor accepted and told her to be careful next time. Loki was just glad that his head didn't get torn off by Shiva.

• hope ya liked it.

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