CHAPTER 62 | your worst nightmare

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The blindfold is still on when I come back to consciousness. The first thing I do is get my breathing under control. I cannot afford to let an episode happen right now. I move my body slightly to find I am lying down. There are no restraints on either my wrists or ankles. Strange. Wasn't I just kidnapped?

I am able to discern more details about my situation as my mind becomes more aware. I am barefoot, and my suit jacket and vest have been take off, leaving me in my buttoned-down white shirt and black slacks. I close my hands around the soft material beneath me. Am I on a bed? Oh no... I have to get out of here.

"So you're awake now?" A voice sounds, making me freeze and clench the sheets. I turn my head to test if I can peak through the fabric around my eyes but cannot make out anything. "Don't tell me you are looking for that bodyguard of yours. Don't worry I have already taken care of him." The voice is saturated with a cruel satisfaction.

Wil's words strike my heart; it feels as if someone has punched me in the gut. A tear threatens to enter my eye, but I catch myself. I must remain strong. Plus, Denzyl is a demon. There is no way Wil's men can kill him. So, instead of giving Wil the satisfaction of thinking his words have affected me, I show no reaction.

"Wil, what the fuck is this?" I try to keep my voice strong as I confront my captor. "I am here on business not for your pleasure-" I am violently cut off by a sudden weight on my waist and a hand around my neck.

"You're here for business, are you? Did I say you could come here for business? Who gave you permission to go behind my back and make deals?!!" By this time, Wil is yelling.

My hands travel up to Wil's fist around my neck as his grip tightens. I try to yank his hand off, but to no avail. The drug is still in effect. I am too weak. I probably cannot even run properly right now. After a few moments of me gagging, Wil removes his hand but continues to straddle me.

"You may have thought you were free when that bastard bought the shares, but you are still my fiancé. You still belong to me." Wil's voice is calmer now, but I know this tone. He is warning me.

The fear instilled in me from Wil over all those years creeps back into me, and I want to turn my head and say "yes" so his anger will recede, but Denzyl's words "I just want you to be free and happy. You own yourself" sound in my heart, and my courage comes back.

"I don't belong to anyone," I say in a low voice.

Wil pauses for a moment before growling, "What did you say?"

"I said..." My voice becomes louder and clearer as I confront Wil, "I don't belong to anyone."

I am answered with a slap across the face. "How dare you?! You are mine! You belong to me!" Wil yells.

"No!" My hands find Wil's waist and hold him for a guidance point as I bend my knee and thrust it between his legs. I hear Wil grunt and take that as my cue to push him off of me. I rip off the blindfold as I scurry off the bed. My head spins as my feet hit the marble flooring. Shaking my head, I clumsily exit the bedroom and hurry out into the living room. I am aware of Wil chasing me, but I am fixated on my goal: the door.

Hands grab my wrist and yank me backwards just as I reach the door. I fall to the ground to see a fuming Wil standing over me. My chest rises and falls from the massive exertion of energy it took to injure Wil and run to the door. I fall to my elbows as my vision blurs.

"Did you honestly think you could escape? Why do you think I didn't restrain you?" Wil says with an evil smirk as he leans down. Wil looks me up and down before putting his finger on my chest and pushing. With just the little amount of pressure from Wil's finger, I fall onto my back. "See? You can't even walk properly. How pathetic." Wil turns his head as he looks me over. "However, I kind of like you in this state," Wil says as he runs his finger down my jawline and along my neck. "You have to do whatever I want."

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