Where am I?

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Comment pls, I'm gonna need it~

-3rd POV-

The town was filled with busy people. Walking up and down the streets, buying what's needed even though it was already night time.

Tsuna was tired, he was walking for hours and now he finds himself in a town. Strange, the place here looks nothing like home. Tsuna was wearing a cloak with a hood covering his face, he was afraid that someone might recognize him as Vongola Decimo and start attacking.

"E-Excuse me" Tsuna approach a stall lady that was selling fruits The lady smiled "Can I help you? Young man" She asked, the lady seemed around the age of 40-45years old. "Can you tell me where is this place?" Tsuna asked, remembering what Reborn said.

"If you shutter one more time, Dame-Tsuna, it'll be your last"

Those words are still fresh in his mind. "Well, Your in Namamori-" that sounded awfully close to Nimimori "-which is protected by Vongola" The lady smiled again.

Wait...No one told me anything about protecting a town called Namamori.....Wait......Namamori..Nimimori....it can't be

"One more question if you don't mind" Tsuna said urgently, in his mind hopeing that his intuition was wrong. "Yes?" "It may sound weird but, Which Generation of Vongola?" Tsuna asked.

"Why the First Generation of course! Are you from another country?" The lady replied trying to sound polite, before suddenly a shocked faced appeared on her face. "Now that I think about it, you don't seem to know about about Vongola" The lady said happily

Ok! A chance!

"Can you tell me more about Vongola? A lot of people kept mistaking me with them" Tsuna lied smoothly, he felt bad for lieing but he had no choice. Tsuna need information on where he is, fast.

"Well, As far as I know. Everyone has a Son in the Family except for Primo" the Lady said after thinking. So..My Guardians are now Sons' to the First Generation....why not Primo? "Ano...why except for Primo?" Tsuna asked innocently. The lady looked very shocked for a second before asking Tsuna to lean closer. The lady later whispered a shocken news to Tsuna.

"Primo's Son died years ago, in a accident"

"What!?" Tsuna thought aloud, the lady quickly told Tsuna to keep quiet before sighing. "I'm not sure how, but I'm sure Primo must be devastated. Although he may seem happy around town, he must have felt guilty for what happened" The lady said. Tsuna felt it's time to leave, His intuition was acting up. Screaming at him to leave at once. Perhaps someone is coming.

"I should be leaving. Thank you for helping me, Oba-San!" Tsuna said as he walked away from the store. The lady laugh at the slight, the child reminded her of her own childern.

The lady brush off her thoughts as she turned to the people that's approach her store. "Welcome! How can I gel you toda-?" The lady stopped herself when the people came into full view. "Haha! The fruits looked delicious!" It was Arasi Ugetsu, Vongola's Rain Guardian. "If you wanna buy it, use your own money! Flute-Freak! We're busy right now" G, Vongola's Storm Guardian and with their Sons. Takeshi Ugetsu and Gokudera Hayato. "Can you guys hurry up? I need to go practice on my aiming" Gokudera complain "Mah! Fruits can help strengthen your health. Eating one is good!" Takeshi said "I don't need to be told what to do! Sword-Freak!"

'Like Father like Son' was what the town's people thought.

"Show respect Gokudera! We're outside!" G scolded "I only show respect to him!" Gokudera shouted before closing his mouth shut. There was a short silence, everyone knew who Gokudera was referring to. Giotto's Son.

"Moving on!" Asari spoken up "Let's go buy some oranges and Apples" he asked "Oyaji! Can I have some mango?" Takeshi asked as the two father and son went around the stall on a small trip. "I'll go find some melons and pineapples" Gokudera muttered before running off. G just watched from afar.

The lady approach G with a cup of water. "Thank you, Lady" G said before drinking the water. "You welcome...how's your day?" The lady asked politely, after Gokudera's sudden mentioning of him. G was shaken a little. "Its fine. Giotto wanted to come along but paperwork got a hold on him. Did anything interesting happened?" G said before returing the cup.

"Oh that's right..I met this wonderful boy just before you came. He came from outskirts of town. And He looked almost like a little cute bunny" the lady laughed. Like a bunny... G thought with a sad smile. And it hit him,

"Is everyone alright?!"

The Vongola Mansion is in a panic-mood. A sudden flare happened in a location they can't pinpoint, all they know is that a huge amount of flames were cast out and disappeared as soon as it began.

It was luck that only flame-welders can feel the force, not much, but still there. Giotto was the first to fall in, His Guardians soon fill the room followed by their Sons.

"Whats Extremely going on?" Knuckle's Son, Ryohei asked, he was taking a nap before it all happened. "Yeah! What's with the alarms? ORE-SAMA NEEDS SLEEP" said Lambo, the younger brother of Lampo, they can be consider Twins.

"I don't know, something was strong enough to 'signal' us about it's arrival. I want everyone to search the town for anything suspicious" Giotto said before everyone dispersed.

Could it be that the bunny-Looking person who came from who-knows-where be the one who created the mess?

"Come to think of it,...That boy looks alot like Giotto..." The lady muttered, G moved in closer to hear the lady words "like his Son to be exact"

"Lady...don't mention him...please" G said, His eyes reflected his feeling..of regret. "O-Oh my apologies, I didn't mean to say that" the Lady said before going back to her store.

"Haha! That was fun!" Takeshi yelled as both his father and himself walked towards G with bags fill with fruits. "What's with that bags? Isn't that too much?" G asked "Fruits are healthy! The more you eat the stronger you'll become!" Both Asari and Takeshi said in sync. "Tch, whatever. let's go" G muttered before walking away.

"What about Gokudera?" Takeshi asked as he followed behind. "He'll be fine, he's strong enough as it is" G said as the three left.

Not knowing that their being watching the whole time. Tsuna was standing on the roof of a building covered by the shadows created by its built."Why does my first impression always got to be a 'cute' bunny?" Tsuna asked to no one in particular as he jumped down onto the ground.

After been taught by the world's greatest torturer-Hitman, Tsuna learnt a few thing or two about stealth. "Looks like this Son of Primo is neither really loved or hated by the Family" Tsuna muttered. For them to act like Primo's Son is a taboo, there's a lot hidden underneath.

Tsuna adjusted his cloak making sure no one sees his face while brushing off the dust. "Seriously, I'm gonna kill Byakuran. And I'm 100% sure Reborn is in on it" Tsuna said.

"That voice......Tsuna..?"

Tsuna turned a full 180° to see (parallel world) Gokudera stareing wide eye at him, like he saw a ghost. A sense of longing.

Well.......sh*t..... Thought Tsuna

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