Rushing Time

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-3rd POV-

Giotto was in his office, he was signing his paperwork when his finger stopped. How long did he went through the same routine? Ever since Vongola was established? and to think that this question came to him now. Giotto could only laugh. "He hated this didn't he?" He muttered, stareing at the entrance/door to his office.

"Papa! Here's another stack of workload" 

Tsuna came into his office, carrying a stack of paperwork. Creating a loud sound when Tsuna dropped it onto the desk. Giotto just smiled. A smile that wonders where his Guardians was. "Thank you Tsuna" Giotto thanked, it's not everyday Tsuna would enter his office, since Giotto has to concentrate on his paperwork. "Ne Papa, why don't you take a break? You've been here since morning" Tsuna asked. Tsuna's already grown up, reaching 14 this year. "Sorry Tsuna, But I've to finished these..paperwork by today" Giotto said glareing at the papers while hopeing his Son won't get mad.

"Ok, just make sure you get enough rest Papa" with that, Tsuna left the office. 

That was when Tsuna know nothing, Tsuna didn't know that his Family were in the Mafia. Giotto decided that it'll be a secret, since Tsuna dosen't have any Flames to protect him from the dangers that comes with being in contact with the Mafia world. Everything was fine, Until Tsuna found out.

Giotto snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a someone knocking on his door. "Come in" and the door opened. It was his best friend G. "Grettings, Is there any problems?" Giotto asked continuing his paperwork. "Nothing much, just wanting to drop by and see how you were doing" G said, taking out his cigarette and a lighter. "You know, smocking is not good for your health" Giotto commented "Whatever, I won't die that easily" G repiled, inhaleing the smock.

"So,..Did you find out anything about the intruder?" Giotto asked "No, though Alaude has been acting strange lately, so does Hibari" G said. "Those two? Did anything happened between them?" "How should I know? Lampo said he saw Alaude entering Daemon's room..." 

"Oh My God.....This world is ending" Giotto said pressing himself onto his chair, in fear of more destruction. "Quit acting this that, it's weird" G


"Hn. Carnivore is onto me" Hibari whispered as he hurried down the hallway towards Primo's office. He overheard the conversation between Alaude and Daemon, He has no time to waste any longer. "You," Hibari said to the yellow bird that was sitting on his shoulder. "Go tell Omnivore" and so Hibird flew away out a small window's opening.

As soon as Hibari reached the office, he kicked down the door with his tofas out. "W-What?! Hibari!" G shouted in confusion. What's with the sudden apperance?! "Hn, get out of my way" Hibari was getting annoyed. Alaude and Daemon are on to him, Tsuna told him to find out about this Vongola to 'jump at every chance' now there isn't. If there isn't any time left, might as well go to the main source, that least that's what Hibari thought.

"T-The Doors!" Giotto cried, haha! More Paperwork!

Hibari kicked G in  the stomach, lauching G onto the walls behind him. "G! what is wrong with you Kyoya!? Attacking someone suddenly isn't like you! Giotto shouted. "Hn, I need answers Prim-Uncle" Hibari said, accoraching Giotto. "What?" "Hn, Don't address me by my first name" Hibari glared. But you told me yourself to call you that! Giotto thought, panicking on the inside. Hibari was just a meter away from him, tofas out with a dangerous aura around him. It was an unfamiliar silght to Giotto, after all, this Hibari Kyoya isn't the one he known.

"Answer me, who/what caused Tsunayoshi's Death?" god Hibari is direct. "W-What are you talking about?! Suddenly bring up the topic!" Giotto shouted, he didn't want to remember. Hibari just lift Giotto up by  his collar, shotting Giotto with a death glare. What the hell?! Kyo-Hibari is acting strange! He wouldn't glare at someone like that. Is Alaude rubbing off him?  Giotto thought. That glare really reminded him of Aaude but more, more worst. "If you don't answer, I'll bite you to death" Hibari said in a low tone. Since when He got a chatch phase?!

"Tch, First the intruder and now Hibari went mad. What the Fuck is happening" G said as he stood up, trying to regain his balance. Hibari kicked him hard. "What's going on?!" finally, some help arrived. Well, not really help. It's Lampo, Primo's Lightning Guardian. "ORE-Sama needs to rest!-" Lampo stopped talking when Hibari turned his head to face Lampo. Their eyes came in contact "GAHHHHHHHH! ORE-SAMA DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" Lampo shouted, getting onto his kneels. The glare that Giotto withstood has shot down Lampo in 0.001seconds. Hibari just ignored him, returning back to his duty. Interrogating Giotto for answers. 

"Haha! Lampo scream was loud, did anything happened?" Asari said entering the office. "What happened?" Asari's mode quickly changed, seeing that his friend is in danger. "Hn, are you going to answer or not?" Hibari said, if all the Guardians arrive, Hibari might not be able to escape.

Rule 3: Not allowed to harm anyone of this world

But then again, he did harm G....not to that extent that he's needed to go to the hospital, after all, Hibari didn't kicked that hard, G was just in-shocked that Hibari would do such a thing to him. "Haha! Kyoya, mind expaining?" Asari asked dangerously. "OI! BAKA-TOU-SAN! WHERE DID YOU HIDE MY PACK OF CIGRATE-WHAT!?" now Gokudera is here. "What Are You Doing Hibari!" Gokudera yelled. "Tch, Move and Pirmo's dead" Hibari threatened, as long as he could buy time, Hibari needs answers. "Kufufu, I didn't expect you of all people to betray your family" Mukuro appeared. "Can it be, Is he a fake?" G asked as his Son helped him up. "Kufufu, it appears so" Mukuro laughed. Stupid Pineapple-Herbivore, making assumption Hibari thought, but with Primo, Hibari might have a chance.

"Hn, Answer my question Primo. How did Tsunayoshi died?" Hibari dropped the bomb. The room was silenced. "What...did he just say?" Gokudera muttered. "Why is it that you want to know about that?" Asari asked, Lampo was trying to hid himself behind Asari. "Hn, Answer. Or his gone" resorting to low tatics, Hibari didn't like it but right now is his only option. "Tch...He died because-" G was about to answer when "Shut up Oyaji!" Gokudera hits him by the waist. "He died because of us! Now, can you please let Giotto go?" Asari shouted, biteing back his lips. Giotto felt ashamed of himself, lowering his head in shame.

"Hn" Hibari slowly lets go of Giotto, who just sat on the floor. His mind is remembering, the words that came from his only Son. 

"TELL ME!...WAS!.....was everything a  lie?" 

"Nufufu, looks like we're a bit late" Daemon said as he entered the room with Alaude. The office is a mess. "Hn, Did you do this? Kyoya?" Alaude asked, his answer was a glare. "Kufufu, since his an illusion, we can rip him apart. Right?" Mukuro asked 'nicely'. "Nufufu~ look closely Mukuro. You still have a lot to learn" Daemon said before pointing at Hibari. "His not fake, his the real deal"

"What!? But-! He-! Giotto-!" G shuttered, but the Hibari they know wouldn't do this kind of things as outragous as this! "Nufufu, maybe the intruder did something to Skrlark Junior . After all, He did left the Mansion witihout stealing anything" Daemon suggested. Alaude was agreeing in silence. this is too much of a concident. 

"midori tanabiku namimori no

dai naku shou naku nami ga ii

itsumo kawaranu sukoyaka kenage

aa... tomo ni utaou namimori chuu~"

"Is that...a bird singing?" Lampo muttered, all eyes are on the small little (CUTE) yellow bird sitting outside on the window. "Hibari! Hibari! Omnivore! Omnivore!" the bird sang, somehow managed to get itself into the room and onti Hibari's shoulder. "Hn? Omnivour?" Eyes were set on the little bird, since animal dosen't talk. "IT"S TALKING!" screamed Lampo, panicking from behind Asari.

"Hn" Hibari was about to leave when Giotto grap onto his arm "You aren't going anywhere" Giotto said, when Giotto wants somethings, he gets. "Let go" Hibari muttered, he didn't like wasteing his breath on annoying people, referring to demanding people who should know their place. Giotto didn't comply, but instead grap tighter. "Sorry but, we're Family. We won't let one of us go that easily.You staying here. Kyoya"

Right now is the perfect time to go on a killing spree, for Hibari that is. No one orders Namimori's Most Dangerous Ex-Prefect and gets away with it without staying in the hospital for months. Giotto just added a cherry on top when he said Hibari's first name.


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