Hibari's little Adventure

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-3rd POV-

"Where the hell have you been?!" Gokudera asked, Their in one of the meeting rooms discussing about the intruders that managed to sneek into the mansion. "Hn, none of your business" Hibari said, leaning against the wall futher away from the rest of the Family. Hibari isn't the type to stay in a crowded area for too long. Needless to say, Alaude was keeping his eye on his Son.

As expected of Primo's Could Guardian, I have to be careful Hibari thought, listening into the conversation. "No matter, what happened, happened. From now on, be extra carefull" Giotto concluded as the Family dispersed into their own duty. Hibari was walking away when Alaude apporached him. "Hn" Hibari deicided to ignore his 'Father' and continued walking towards his room. 

As soon as Hibari entered his room, HiBird greeted him. "Kyoya! Kyoya!" the yellow bird chipped. Hibari closed the door behind him, helding his hand out as the bird landed on his fingers. "What did you find little animal?" Hibari asked "Omnivour! Passage! Omnivour! Passage!" the bird sang. Omnivour manage to get into the passageways, good to know Hibari apporach the window, opening it. Remembering his orders, Hibari smiled at the thought of fighting his predecessor before jumping out the window.

Soon, Hibari entered the Library. It was huge, with bookshelves covering the walls to the floor shacked with books. "W-What can I help you w-with? Kyoya-Sama?" a lady asked. Hibari glared at her before answering, "Where's the section with History, and don't call me by the first name Herbivour" Hibari sneered. "A-Apologise! It's s-section B-13" the lady said before Hibari dismissed her. 

History of Italy

History of Kingdoms

History of Sweets

History starts with you


and finally, 

History of Vongola

It took a while to find the book since there's tons of books laying around. Hibari took the book and dust it off. It's must have been there of years. Not a good sign. Hibari was about to open the book when

"Hn, What are you doing Kyoya?" a voice said, he knew the person talking to him. The one that's been suspicous of him this whole time, Alaude. "None of your business" Hibari said, he tried to walk away but Alaude grap onto his hand, "Don't try to walk away, ever since that intruder arrived, you've been acting strange" Alaude said, of course he would notice, his Hibari's father. Alaude may not care much about his fellow Guardians, but when it comes to his Son. RUN!

"I don't know if that intruder's resemblance reminds you of him that much, normally you would act normal" Alaude said. So, the Kyoya of this world is kind of like that Herbivour, in a way Hibari thought referring to Takeshi of his world. "You being in the Library proves my theory right, you are acting strange" Alaude stated. "What's wrong with me being in the Library?" Hibari countered, shacking off Alaude's hand. But in doing this, he shown the book in full view, "Because you've no interest in books. What's that book your holding?" Alaude asked. "Tch, nothing" Hibari turned and walked away.

Alaude watch as his Son exits the door. Noticing a small yellow bird following Hibari. "What..?" Alaude muttered to himself, that small furry bird is following his Son. Second passed before Alaude decided to pay a visit to his rival, Daemon for some answers.


"Hn" Hibari was in his room. "Open! Open!" Hibari chants as Hibari opened the old book. He was right, not good. There wasn't any information on how Tsuna of this world died. The book wasn't updated for quite some time, that's why it's all so dusty. But that book was the only one with Vongola's history Hibari was able to find. "Hn" At least there's some information about Vongola inself.

And so, Hibari spent his time sitting on his chair reading what's in the book.


"Oya? Vist from Skylard, isn't that rarer than rare?" Daemon said as he allowed Alaude to enter his room. SOUNDS THE ALARMS! DESTRUCTION AWAITS! "Hn, I'm here for answers" Alaude stated before eyeing Daemon, indicating that this is serious. "Oh? I'm curious, and what questions do you want answered?"

"My Son is acting strange"

"Well I think that his at that age. Teenager likes to rebel after all"

"That's not all"


"There's a small bird following him around"

"Oh? Come to think of it, I did notice that yellow bird. But I don't see any reason to get upset. Aren't you thinking too much? Overprotective-Skylatk"

"You've forgotten, Uneducated Melon"

"Oh? Forgotten about what?"

"Kyoya can't be around creatures, Mr.Looked-Down-by-His-Own-Son"

"Nufufu, What a strange rule you've given, Mr. I-Have-Stuff-Animals-Hidden-Underneath-My-Bed"

"Hn. That's not a rule. Kyoya has allergic to animals, especially Birds"

"Nufufu,....now that's a problem"

 [AN] Yo! I'm starting a new fic on KHR since it's been hunting my mind lately. So there might be slow updates on this FanFic. a little sneek peack on the upcoming KHR Fanfic by Me!

It's called Back to Zero if there aren't any changes to the nameSummary below

"You choose the wrong choice. Your punishment, is that you'll be chained into the Human World as 'Sawada Tsunayoshi' until you've atone for your sins"

"Oh?..a punishment like that?....very well, Brother"

Tsuna is tasked to find Candidates to be his Guardians by Reborn, But there's no one suitable appear. Everything that Reborn had known came crashing down when Tsuna introduced his newly found Candidates. And It can't be a coincident, since-

-the Candidates looked like the people who have already died

That's the summary of Back to Zero any comments?

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