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When I wake up, Alice immediately takes me to the dining room. Once there, she only gives me a small bagel. It's even smaller than any bagel I ever saw before. She thus gives me another one so often, and even threatens me if I don't take one of them. That makes me take all of them very quickly, and Alice thus continues to give a whole bin of them and forces me to take them. At first, they seem delicious, but they become very boring after a dozen bagels. Alice then takes me back to my cell, and I almost can't move. I try to lay down and relax.

Eventually, Alice takes me to a laboratory, where she forces me to take several samples onto the table, and have a look at them with a magnifying glass. Alice then also has a look at them. I then have to very carefully cut thin strips out of the samples. She takes them out of my hands as soon as they are done, and if she doesn't think it's usable, she whips me several times. She sometimes even pulls on my arms, to the point of them almost snapping off. She never gives me any time to relax, and I never get to see the samples after she takes them out of my hands.

Eventually, Alice takes me to a large machine, which is designed to analyse the genetic material from alien samples. She forces me to put all strips into the machine, for her to learn about how the genetic material is organized. There is no display for me to look at, so it seems like a large black box to me. I also have to be very careful with the strips themselves, as some of them are contained in small glass cases, and others aren't. Most of them are even covered black for some reason, and I have to very carefully remove the black film off of them.

During all this, some strips are broken. For example, I touch the sample itself, or the glass breaks from too much pressure. Alice forces me to repair any broken strips. Eventually, all strips are in, and ready to be analysed on their genetic material, which looks nothing like Earth DNA. I still can't have a look at the structure itself, or anything like that, but Alice tells me how different the structure is. She even tells me she can't recognise it at all, even when she looks very closely. I can also have a good look, and I still don't notice anything similar to humans at all.

After that, Alice takes me to a large, empty hall. The only thing inside is a large wheel. I try to have a good look, but noting seems to be connected to the wheel. Alice forces me to step in, and attaches my hands to the week, and forces me to turn it for several hours. I quickly feel some resistance from something below the wheel. I try to run much faster, but quickly get tired. Alice wakes me up with brute force, but I still don't run very fast. Alice thus constantly whips me, and sometimes uses the implant placed earlier to give me an electric shock from inside.

Hours later, Alice takes me to a small bed, and ties me to it. I quickly fall asleep for seemingly several hours, but when I wake up, Alice tells me I actually only slept for about fifteen minutes, and then walks away. I again fall asleep for what feels like another three hours, and Alice finally releases me from the bed. When I look at the clock in front of me, it looks like just another thirty minutes passed. Just fifteen minutes later, Alice comes back in to take me to the big wheel, and forces me to turn it again for several hours.

After that, Alice takes me to a large bath, and slowly fills it with hot water, and I start to smell something I never did before. I quickly calm down, and Alice starts scrubbing me with a small brush. I try to fend her off, but she doesn't want to keep the brush off me. Then, she just vanishes in front of my eyes. She then suddenly comes back out of nowhere, and takes me out of the bath. I almost feel like my skin is being cooked by the hot water. Alice then throws a bucket of cold water over me, and scrubs over my skin again.

When she finally takes me out, she forces me into a large empty storage room, and forces me to clean the floor with a toothbrush. As the floor is very large, I have to crawl so much that it takes my toll on my legs and knees. Alice walks along the walls, following me through the entire storage room. When I miss even a single spot, Alice seemingly presses a single button on a remote control, giving me an electric shock. She then points at the missed spot, and forces me to there. I often miss multiple points on the floor, and thus Alice forces me to repeat several spots.

After that, Alice takes me back to my cell. Once there, I meet Ellen, and talk to her about the chores we had to do during the day. She seems very interested, and the conversation seems to continue for about half an hour. Both of us do realise there's something wired going on in our head, with the children always yelling at or even outright torturing us, and forcing us to watch the torture processes of other adults. I then try to ask Alice for a small slice of bread. She not only denies the request, but then all of a sudden takes me into a small, dark room, and whips me seemingly over one hundred times. She then takes me to bed, and I can't fall asleep.

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