When I wake up, Alice immediately comes into my room, and takes me to the dining room. Once there, she gives me a small potato. I try to ask for more, but she refuses. I almost feel like I'm starving, but it takes a lot of arguing to finally get a small box of potatoes. Alice then actually gives me a slap on my face. She also takes me to a different seat, without taking the box of potatoes with her to me. She instead takes it back to the kitchen. I then try to ask her to take the box back to me, but she instead throws her whip to me.
Then, she takes me out, to a large bus. I'm forced into the back, and the bus has no seats at all. I'm forced to stand, and Alice even comes in to put two chains around my legs. The chains go to both sides of the bus, and are connected to another adult, one I didn't even see any other time, at all. Alice then leaves the bus, seemingly without even saying goodbye to me. En quickly comes in to take all adults out in pairs. They are still shackled to each other. I try to pull the shackles away, but they are secured so well, nothing can remove them.
Ben takes all pairs of adults to a large mining field, where we're all forced to take out several large stones with just a large pickaxe. I can't even move where I want to, as we're not only chained to each other, but one end of that chain is held by a child. A child I never even met before. And when I look around me, there are so many children everywhere. As soon as a piece falls off, he child comes and picks it up. Meanwhile, we try to run away, but the child comes back to pull us to the mine again. Then, he throws a baseball bat to me, and also one to the other adult in our pair. We quickly fall on our back, but not quite on the pickaxe.
Then, all of a sudden, the child takes me from one wall to another. I try to struggle, but the child is just way stronger than me and the other adult combined. He seemingly takes us like we were nothing, and then forces me to do the same hard, boring task again. He even doesn't seem to care at all if we're tired, hungry or even thirsty. He just forces us to do our job, and takes us between the mining walls with no break in between, at all. He even pushes me through the work if I almost pass out of exhaustion.
Eventually, he takes me out of the mine, and removes me from the chain connected to the other adult, and finally gives mea small break. However, he only allows me to take a short nap on what's basically a metal plate during the break, just before he pairs me back with another adult and puts me back in the mines. He forces us to make a large hole right next to the mine, which is going to be connected to the other mine. We're then forced to help the children with the building of a long, narrow tunnel between the mine and a large building site, where a large factory will be made within just days after this tunnel is built. Inside the tunnel, there seems to be no light for a long time, and it seems like it never ends, until Ben comes in with a flash-light. He tells all adults the tunnel is about to be completed. I try to dig a little bit further, but Ben takes all adults in one big cart, into the mine. Once there, all of them are laid on the cold grounds of the mine.
Hours later, the adults are again swapped to create new pairs, and new adults enter. Alice also comes in, and tells me I'm going to be paired up with Izzy, under her command. As soon as Alice puts a chain around my ankle, Izzy tries to remove it. This again fails, with Izzy being chained as well, and Alice even forces her to give me a punch on my heart. After that, Izzy apologises tome, and slowly becomes one among the best adults to work with me in the mines. Alice even gives her an award, and then also gives one tome. At the back of the award is what looks like a small gift. I decide to not open it until another break. I try to have a conversation with Izzy, but Alice then all of a sudden takes my gift away. This becomes a tug of war, which Alice of course easily wins.
After hours of hard work,the same bus finally arrives. Alice leaves us behind without even saying goodbye, and the ties are broken. I'm put back together with the first adult of this action, and put back in the same bus. When it arrives back into the prison, Alice takes me out of it, and disconnects all pairs of adults. I'm put back in my cell with Ellen. She tells me about her work in a different mine. She also tells me about how the children treated her, which seems even worse than how I was treated by them. I return to my bed, to fall asleep.
Children's Control
KorkuIt is the year 2030, and in many countries across the world, children rise up against adult society. From now on, all adults are under the control of children. The children who lead this uprising have created very clever ways to control the adults...