You might have a couple of questions directed to the author, so here they are!
What happened after the last chapter you read?
The next morning, on 01-07-2030, Alice takes the diary from Pascal, as it's completely full. She decides to make a copy for Billy to see as well. He was in love with Izzy, but that love slowly fades away. Billy then made a spare copy, but accidentally stepped in a time machine. He ended up in the year 2021, and decided to give this copy to an undisclosed organization. They decided to make two copies of this diary: one for the internal archives, and one for digital publishing, here on Wattpad. Billy then travels back to his own time, and from multiple observations made, it seems like this hasn't cased any time anomalies. Pascal did get the original diary back from Alice.
How do he prisons generally look like?
As further research suggested, Pascal is imprisoned somewhere in the Northeast of the United States, but it is unknown where exactly the prison is located. No photos from the prison are taken, as that would be too risky, but some basic 3D models have been made of how a typical prison would look like. None of them are exactly the same, but most follow the pattern shown in the 3D model. No photos from the inside of the walls have been taken either.
How was the situation in the US at the time?
At the time Pascal was taken away, the war between children and adults was well under way in the United States. The children are very able to scare the adults so much, they often just surrender, and succumb themselves to the children. This leads to the children being able to conquer a large part of the United States.
Why do children do this?
These children really hate adults, for several reasons. First, most of the children were forced to work by their parents and other caretakers, which already caused a lot of distrust, as the children don't have a choice.
In addition, the children know about all problems in their world: climate change, shortages of about everything, and restrictions placed by caretakers. They think if they have the power, they can make the world a better place for themselves. They do know they might need adults to do some tasks, and thus take them away to be enslaved.
Where did you get the idea to write this?
Well, what you read is a work of fiction I finished in September 2021. The idea came from one big question I always have: What would happen if children take all power from the adults?
I had my Wattpad account since around 4-5 years ago, but didn't have any stories of my own there. I only used it to read a few stories, and never finished one. I had this account for school, but never like reading for a school assignment. AT ALL. The account remained unused until well into the COVID-19 pandemic, which let me feel like a prisoner of my own house. Having to attend online education, and never being able to go to a cinema, restaurant, café or even the local library. Most of what you are about to read was inspired through the summaries of several books and movies based around the theme of a 'creepy child', as well as thoughts of others about the question. The idea of writing in diary form comes from the fact that style is relatable: I often write diaries myself about my vacation.
How was the writing experience?
Well, I was often a bit creeped out by my own writing, but at other times it sort-of warms my heart. I often sit down on the computer writing in the word processor OpenOffice, and then copy-pasted it into Wattpad. This then of course means the very VERY long and tedious task of checking for any spacing and spelling errors, which even then lets most stuff behind. Before I started, I tried to 'stamp down' my ideas in one page. This worked out on the second try, giving me the main course for this story. I wore every single day, as if this were an actual diary, more on that later.
How was the book planned?
I used the spreadsheet feature of OpenOffice, called OpenOffice Calc, to create a planning about the plot points. I checked it a couple of times, and left some pages blank to be filled in later. I then filled in the blanks while I wrote the current chapter. Every. Day. Right after school, or in a free period. In the beginning, all days would be done in the day itself. Later, I wrote half on the day itself, and half on the other day. In July, the writing process was postponed and returned in August, due to a summer vacation. Today, on September 3rd, I finished the P.S. chapter.
Children's Control
HorrorIt is the year 2030, and in many countries across the world, children rise up against adult society. From now on, all adults are under the control of children. The children who lead this uprising have created very clever ways to control the adults...