Chapter 15

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"Good Morning!" George said as he sat on the edge of the bed passing her a cup of tea.

Willow gladly took it but was still in a dazed state since she hast just woken up a few second ago when he opened the door with a loud squeak.

She had fallen asleep right after George laid down beside her, exhausted from the weird day she had and their contrarily amazing date.

George was wearing solely a pair of dark blue workout pants. She had never so much of him without it being dark.

His skin was tanned and his upper body characterized by his muscles, pectorals as if they were chiseled out of stone like on this Roman statues, abs defined by several lines ending at the waistband of his shorts.

Willow hadn't said anything as she was sipping her tea and examining his muscled back.

He now put his hand on the blanket where he thing was underneath and started another sentence.

"I' m sorry I woke you up so harshly with the door being so loud, I forgot about that. I have to get it fixed, or oiled or something" he started rambling.

"As long as you don't leave in the middle of the night without notice.." Willow broke her silence and interrupted his blabber.

„Once again, I'm deeply sorry about that. I still have to make it up to you, don't let me forget! But it was unfortunate, my flight left in the early morning the next day and I really couldn't miss that"

If you had asked Willow, he already made it up to her last night but she wouldn't tell him because it's always good to have someone own you one. You never know when it could come in handy.

She just smiled at him and place the empty cup on the beside table.

„I don't know your clothing situation but if you need anything my clothes are over there. Feel free to take whatever you want" George offered as he got up to give her some privacy to get ready. „The bathroom is here to the right. Use whatever you'd like. I'll be in the kitchen"

„Thank you, George" Willow said sincerely and George closed the door behind him after giving her a last smile.

Willow gathered all of her clothes from the floor and placed them on the bed. She made her way into the bathroom and took a shower. Finally she could wash her hair, after the problems her own shower had given her yesterday.

She couldn't recall what it was but she felt like she had some appointment or event. Willow phone was downstairs though in her bag so she hurried with getting ready to get to her phone so she could check.

With her hair still wet she put on all of her clothes from the day before.

Willow made her way downstairs where it smelled like freshly made scrambled eggs. Just the thing she needed right now.

She walked into the kitchen where her bag was still on the counter where she had left it last night.

„May I offer you some scrambled eggs" George asked in this funny tone he did, pretending to be some kind of servant.

Willow nodded, while focused on finding her phone in her bag. As she got it out and turned it on George place a plate in front of her.
Immediately a stream of messaged reached her all at once.

Carmen: How was the date????

Mum: Are you coming this weekend? Your brothers are coming too.

Mika: Brunch still standing today at 11?

Willow turned her arm to have a look at her watch. 10:50 was shown by the indicators. Shit. No way she could make it there in time.

Wiled George was staying at the opposite side of the kitchen island, Willow hastily stared throwing everything back into her bag.

I have to leave, like right now. I forgot I had planned something for today. I didn't think it was that late already." Willow said in clipped words.

George was looking at her stressing with a calm look on his face himself.

„Where do you have to be? I'll take you"

„But,...,your car,..., isn't it..?" Willow was confused. Did he have another one?

I went for a run and then drove the car back here this morning" he clarified.

„Then I'll gladly take you up on that offer."  

They left the mess in the kitchen and the uneaten eggs behind and George quickly pulled a shirt over his head before they headed out the door.

After Willow had given him the address he drove her there with a minute left as they arrived.

Before she opened the door Willow turned to George, „Thank you! For bringing me here, for breakfast which I sadly couldn't enjoy and for the pleasant evening."

George was quiet for a second, mesmerized by the green of her eyes.

„Nothing to thank me for. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. If anything, thank you!"

He was lost for words. There was so much more he wanted to say. He wanted to ask her on another date, tell her how much he had enjoyed himself, like he hadn't done in a long while, and eventually give her one last kiss, at least on the cheek.

Instead he just sat there and gave her a smile which she reciprocated before she opened the door of the Mercedes, turned around, stepped out and walked towards the café without looking back.

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