Chapter 32

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With Lewis taking the win, George only finished second at his home Grand Prix, which undoubtedly bummed him out quite a bit but due to some technical issues in the last few laps  it was the best outcome possible considering he still had to defend from Max in these said last laps before the checkered flag.

Due to Georges slight disappointment he preferred to not stay in Silverstone for much longer after the celebrations. Instead, he and Willow quickly packed their things as they returned to the hotel room and then got into Georges Mercedes. Just ten minutes later George parked the car in front of Willows childhood home in Brackley.

"Are you ready?" Willow asked him before they got out of the car.

"Yeah, I mean I've met them already, so..." he answered and placed his hand on her thigh as he leaned over and pressed a kiss on her lips.

They left the car and George got the baggage out of the trunk while Willow rang the doorbell. As George reached the top of the stairs where Willow already stood, the door opened. Willow had already called her parents to tell them they we going to come by that evening instead of the next day so they weren't surprised to see them, but their faces displayed excitement and joy.

"Oh hello, you two. So good to see you!" Willows mother greeted them and gave them both a hug.

"Hi, George!" her father said and firmly shook his hand and them hugged Willow.

"You didn't tell them about our...break, did you?" George whispered into Willows ear as they both took off their shoes.

Willow shook her head, "No, I didn't."

George could tell, because her parents greeted him just as welcomingly as the last time, which they wouldn't if they knew what pain he had brought to their daughter and although he was endlessly sorry for it, they would not be that fond of him at all.

"I'm sure you guys are tired from this long weekend, so you can quickly have some dinner and I've got your room all ready for you" Willows mum said as she was already heating up the vegetable stew she had made in the afternoon on the stove.

"Thank you so much, mum. It was indeed a very tiring weekend" Willow told her mum as she felt Georges arm wrap around her waist, who had just returned from bringing their luggage into their room.

Willow cuddled up to Georges side while they continued small talking to her mum until the food was ready. Feeling Georges warmth against her was comforting. Her boyfriend officially meeting her parents made her nervous, but as George stroked his hand over her waist and hips she calmed down. She had no clue how he did it, but somehow George was radiating ease. 

He pressed a kiss to her cheek before he loosened his grip and they walked over to the dinner table. They devoured their plate quickly as they were both pretty hungry. George shared some stories about the race weekend and happily answered every question Willows mum posed at him, while Willow mostly stayed quiet and watched the whole thing go down. Seeing George interact so confidently and politely with her parents, made her heart warm. She put her hand on his thigh making him turn to look at her and give her a smile. She smiled back and then George continued talking to her parents.

"Your parents are lovely." George started as they were settled in bed, ready to go to sleep just half an hour later.

"I think they really like you" Willow chuckled and cuddled up even closer to him. "My mom especially"

"I'm glad!" he said and let out a small laugh. "Your brother and his girlfriend are coming over tomorrow as well?"

"Yes, exactly. And they are bringing the baby."

"Right, I almost forgot...It's just a few months old, right?"

Willow nodded. That night she fell asleep thinking about George holding a tiny helpless baby in his strong arms, a thought that made her excited for the next day to come.

She woke up with her head still on Georges chest. Without moving she shifted her eyes to the alarm clock on the bedside table, which displayed the numbers 7:23 in a bright yellow greenish light. As she moved her leg, that was already wrapped over his thigh, a little closer with the intent to cuddle up to his warm body even more, she felt something touching her leg. After a short moment she realized what was going on: George had a severe case of...morning wood. As she bumped into it  George woke up and slowly opened his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I-I accidently..." she stammered quietly. 

George, who slowly raised his head a little, moved his hand to her back and  pressed a kiss on her forehead. "It's fine. In fact, I am sorry." he said slightly ashamed of the given circumstances, he actually couldn't do much about.

"Well," Willow whispered and let her left hand wander down from his pectorals, over his abs, down to the edge of his boxers - the only thing covering his erection - "maybe I can help you with that" she continued while staring into his eyes with a daring look on her face.

George started breathing heavier as he reciprocated Willows gaze and she moved her hand even further down. She carefully wrapped her long fingers around his hard cock and began with slow movements, up and down, already feeling Georges body pulsating beneath her as he let out a grunt. In an attempt to shut him up, so no one else in the house would get notice of their early morning activities, Willow pushed her mouth onto his, kissing him passionately, tongues slipping.

As his precum wetted his dick she quickened her strokes. George moaned against her lips before letting his head fall back, digging it into his pillow, unable to control his body anymore.

"Fuck, Willow" he let out under his breath. Hearing him say her name like that made her heart race, there was nothing she wanted to do more than pleasure him and make him say her name like that over and over again.

When she had relieved him from the throbbing between his legs, they stayed there, cuddled up to each other until George got up to take a shower, since he was covered in sweat after what Willow had just done to him. Willow, herself, got up as well and made her way into the kitchen to see what they could have for breakfast, where her mom was already making pancakes.

After breakfast, where Willow could barely take her eyes off of George, who looked his best straight out of the shower with his hair still wet, the two of them played a few board games until Willows brother and his girlfriend arrived with their newborn.

Willow spent the rest of the day watching George hold the tiny baby in his arms, which he refused to let someone else hold even once after Willows brother placed small little Giada there. George spent over five hours holding and carrying around the fragile newborn, offering some relaxation to the new parents.

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