Chapter 26

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„Yes...this is Willow." she spoke with her sleep-drunken voice, and took her phone from her ear for a second to finally look at the caller ID only to see George's name on the screen.

„ do I say this...Would you be able to come to George's apartment? Like right now? I can explain everything to you there - at least as far as I, myself, understand the situation - but we've tried everything and you're our last resort" Alex tried to explain but confused Willow even more.

She was their last resort? They've tried everything? About what?

It all made close to no sense to her but she already found herself putting on a hoodie over her pyjamas and getting into her shoes.

„I have no clue what your talking about but alright." She didn't even know herself why she jumped out of bed for someone who had ghosted her for a month, but she did. She just felt like there was no alternative. Alex's voice, who she had met once before in the paddock, sounded nothing like the calm voice she had experienced back then, he seemed rather desperate and fully out of it.

After closing the door to her apartment, she ordered an Uber while walking down the stairs, which conveniently arrived just a few minutes later.

She looked outside the window mindlessly for the whole duration of the ride, the driver not talkative as well.

When she got out of the car right in front of George's place she stopped before going up to the door.
Did she really just drive to his place in the middle of the night without even knowing what was up? After George made her miserable for weeks?

Willow thought about turning around and going home again, since she now felt stupid about her actions - running after him like a dog with attachment issues.

She debated for a minute and came to the conclusion that if she was already here she might as well check out what was happening.

After walking up the few steps to his door and pressing the button for the doorbell, she was left waiting for a few minutes until the door was finally opened for her.

„There you are! Finally!" Alex sounded relieved as he signed her to come in with his hand pointing into the room.

As Willow walked through the entrance hall, closely followed by Alex, she finally got a glimpse of the situation Alex referred to as she reached the end of the hall that connected to the living room.

In front of her was George, sat on the floor leaning against the couch, his head rested on another mans shoulder, who Willow identified as Lando Norris, another friend of George.

George's legs were pulled into his chest and his arms were wrapped around them. The parts of his face Willow could see were red and his cheeks glistened in the kitchen light form what seemed like tears. His eyes were closed, but it gave the impression that he had just calmed down a few seconds ago and gave into whatever had come over him.

After studying the sight of him, Willow looked up to Alex who was handing her a glass of water.

„We came over to drink a few beers to celebrate the good start into the season, but when we arrived George seemed like he had already had at least one and after we had one together he started talking in riddles about how he couldn't do it all and how Mercedes put so much pressure upon him. This was our first time hearing about this. It seemed like everything was going fine." Alex began to explain as Willow took a few sips and looked down at George from time to time, feeling tears forming in her eyes, which she tried to hold back.

„And then suddenly he was completely out of it. He started crying and he was hysterically walking around telling us how he messed up and how he didn't know how to fix it. He just kept saying your name over and over again and that he couldn't do it all alone. We didn't even know you guys broke up. George did act a little different in the paddock but we just thought he was really focused on his career at Mercedes but it seems like this is a lot more serious." Lando continued.

„We really didn't want to disturb you in the middle of the night, but..."

„It's alright! I get it. It's complicated between me and George right now but it seems like what he's going through isn't something small" Willow assured the boys.

She looked down at George again. No doubt was she still angry at him and most of all totally confused but as she saw him there on the floor, looking completely exhausted, she couldn't help but remember how much she still loved him.

„Do you guys think we can get him up to bed?" she asked Lando and Alex.

They carried him upstairs, which wasn't as easy as anticipated since George was bigger than Landon and just as tall as Alex. The boys went down again after to sleep on the sofa.

Willow stayed with George. She put the blanket over him and then laid down next to him.
With her head rested on her left arm she faced him and put the hair out of his face with her right hand.

Oh George, what are you doing? You really messed up this time. I don't know what's going on but it seems like you pushed me away when you would have needed me. I guess we'll find out tomorrow... no bullshit this time please, Willow thought to herself before she fell asleep as well.

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