Chapter 28

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George: Hey! I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner and a movie tonight? 

George had just come back to London from the French Grand Prix that Monday and after he and Willow had gone out for coffee twice the week before, he figured they were ready to spend time just the two of them without a bunch of strangers around. 

The two times they had met in a coffee shop near Willows apartment, they always had a pleasant time. They talked for over four hours each time, where George finally opened up fully about what was going on with him and Willow expressed her concerns and her feelings about all of it. When they had talked it all through they moved on to more lighter topics, which mostly ended in a lot of mutual laughter and helped them both, especially Willow, remember how great they were together.

George always walked Willow home, but they never got further than a hug, mostly because Willow expressed she wasn't comfortable with more. Although George wished to finally kiss her all over and show her how much he loved her without words, he knew the time would come and it made the waiting slightly easier until she was ready and made the first move.

As soon as Willow had read the message, she replied.

Willow: I'd love to! Give me a time and I'll be there. 

It was already 4 and George knew she would love to take part in the cooking, so he told her she should just come over when she was done with whatever was on the todo list.

At 5 o'clock exactly Georges doorbell rang and to be frank, he had never opened the door that quickly. As he bent down a little to embrace Willow in a hug, a few drops of water fell from his wet hair on her naked back, exposed by her spaghetti strap top. Willow winced when the cold drops touched her skin and as George noticed what had happened he moved his hand to her back and wiped the drops away.

"Sorry, just got out of the shower," he said as a smile formed on both of their faces. Georges gentle touch felt so natural to Willow, and she realized how much she had actually missed these small interactions - feeling Georges warm hand on her skin.

She hadn't said anything besides a reserved "hey", but as she looked at George, who gave her an assuring look that everything was fine, she relaxed the muscles she was unconsciously tensing and lost all nervousness that had built up on the way there.

"I've prepared everything in the kitchen, so we can get right to cooking." George suggested Willow to follow her to the kitchen by reaching out his hand for her to grab it.

Together they made steamed salmon with potatoes and broccoli and ate outside on the patio, while drinking lemon water since George had sworn to Willow to stay away from alcohol, y because in the last month he had turned to the intoxicant to deal with his issues and additionally they wanted to enjoy their time together to the fullest without any mind-altering substance that would distract them from reality.

"What movie do you want to watch?" George asked as they put their empty dishes into the dishwasher.

"I don't know, maybe some chick flick, to keep it light." Willow chuckled. 

"Alright. Whatever you want. You can turn the TV on already and look on Netflix, I'll finish this here" he said pointing at the rest of the dishes.

Willow sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. She scrolled through all the different movies for a bit until she found one she like. "Wild Child" was her choice and she started it and the put it on pause to quickly go to the toilet until George was done in the kitchen and they could start watching.

When she returned to the living room, George was already laying on the couch with his legs all the way stretched out over the chaise part of the l-shaped couch. Willow laid down on the sofa part with her head towards George so she could put it in his lap.

As they were settled, George started the movie and a few minutes in he commenced slowly stroking over her head. Willow didn't react, she just enjoyed the gentle touches, so innocent though still so intimate. It was so calming that she had to fight against falling asleep the whole time.

George barely focused on the movie. With Willows eyes glued to the screen he took the opportunity to admire her and take it all in. All her beautiful features he hadn't seen in such a long time - her shiny brown hair, her long dark eyelashes, the small wrinkles in the corner of her mouth she had from smiling, every single freckle on her cheeks and nose. 

He restrained himself from touching her anywhere beside her hair, until she allowed him to, but he thought about all the things he wanted to do to her, how the wanted to please her and take care of her. 

To say the least, he got excited and with Willows head on his lap, it was impossible to hide it. 

She shrugged up, taken by surprise, and sat up a little but she didn't move away.

"I'm sorry, Willow, I was just..." George looked at Willow with an apologetic look.

"It's fine" she interrupted his nervous attempt of an apology and moved closer to him. Face to face they looked into each others eyes from a moment until Willow moved her face even closer and pressed her lips to his. 

George immediately gave into the kiss and since Willow now gave him the sign it was ok to move further, he took charge of the situation. 

After rolling around the couch for a fe minutes, George pulled away first, "Let me take care of you, you deserve it. Let me show you how much I love you"

Willow, still blown away from the passionate kiss could only nod before George kissed her again and then continued to pick her up and carry her up to the bedroom.

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