Chapter 19

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They stood there in the middle of the living room for almost half and hour until Willow had no tears left to cry. All the while they didn't move. Willow had her arms curled up to her chest between the two of them, while George had one hand on the back of her head, while the other slowly caressed her back. He place a few kisses on the top of her head as she began to calm down a little.

Willow removed her head from the place on his chest where it had been the whole time, revealing her swollen eyes and red cheeks to George. He looked down at her teary face with remorse. His words had been way too harsh and he regretted ever letting them come over his lips. His heart ached at the sight of her. He could have, no, he should have chose his expressions more wisely. Normally he kept a cool head with any type of confrontation, but when she claimed he couldn't be there for her, he lost it. Because he knew he could and he wants to.

Willow didn't look up to him. She couldn't look at him - at least not right now. Not because she was mad at him for making those allegation, but because she was ashamed. Everything he said was true and she knew it. She had tried to sabotaged herself once again.

Instead she looked straight ahead at his chest, where she had left an enormously big wet spot form her tears. It actually made her let out the smallest chuckle. She wiped over it with her fingers, checking how wet it was, as George was now looking at it too.

"I'm sorry" she whispered and dared to look him in the face for the first time since breaking down.

Only now could George see how red her eyes still were. Seeing hers so irritated made his eyes burn as well.

"No, I am sorry! Forgive me for all I said. I lost my temper." He spoke slowly with his calm voice that had returned again.

The corners of Willows mouth curled the tiniest bit upwards, with her cheeks still wet with tears. Her throat was dry and hurt from the cries she had let out so she didn't bring it over herself to say something but her facial expression said enough. George knew they would have to talk all of this through, calmly and patiently, but he knew he was forgiven for now.

George took both his hands up to her face and wiped her cheeks dry with his thumbs.

"How about a cup of tea and then some sleep?" he asked and she gave him a series of tiny nods.

"You can go and get ready, I'll bring the tea to you in minute, ok?"

Willow responded with another nod before she left to go upstairs.

Now that he was alone, George made his way into the kitchen where he rested both his hand on the counter and let his head fall to his chest. 

This was nowhere near how he had expected this evening to go. He figured there was a possibility she wouldn't want to be in a relationship with his, but this...this was not what he thought would go down.

When he had her cup of tea ready, he made his way upstairs quietly, in case she had already fallen asleep. George opened the door to his bedroom that was still squeaking as slowly as possible, but as he got a view of the bed he sat that she was still awake anyway. 

He walked up to her and handed her the warm cup, which she curled her fingers around instantly as if she had been outside in a winter storm before. 

"I'll go and sleep on the couch downstairs, so you can have your privacy in here and we will sort it all out tomorrow" George said and turned around to let her be by herself as he recognized that to be the respectful thing to do.

He was about the close the door behind him, when Willows voice came out of the dark.

"George,"..."please stay" 

The words were spoken very quietly, but George could hear it all very clearly. His heart made a jump and a big smile appeared on his face as he turned on his heels and made his way back into the bedroom. 

He took off the clothes he had worn all way and slipped under the blanket with only his boxers remaining. He wasn't sure wether she just wanted him to be there or more, so he stayed on his side not sure if it was ok to touch her or she preferred to be let alone. Of course he would have love to cuddle up to her, feel her warmth agains his body and smell her hair, but in no means did her want to make her uncomfortable.

A few seconds passed and Willow lifted the blanket herself to scoot closer to him. He moved closer to the middle now too where they met and each wrapped their arms around the other. She nuzzled her head into his neck and he took in the smell of her freshly washed hair. Like this they fell asleep and stayed until their muscles relaxed as they fell asleep and their grip loosened.

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