Chapter 21

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"Guys, guys, guys" Willow tried to grab the attention of her friends who were deep into a discussion about whether it was better to brush their teeth right after waking up or after breakfast.

Willow had just received a text from George saying he would be there in a minute and she hadn't told her friends about his arrival yet, partly because she didn't know how to and if she should tell them who he really was or let them find out when they saw him.

As their heads were turned to towards her she continued, "I forgot to tell you, George is coming too. He should be here any second."

Carmen was the first to react. "Tennis George?" she asked confused since Willow hadn't filled her in since she had told her about their one night stand. To Willows defence, they hadn't seen each other since then because Carmen was in Italy literally the whole time, so they generally hadn't spoken much since and Willow wasn't sure the whole time if it was even worth telling Carmen.

Willow nodded as a response to Carmens question to which Carmen gasped and continued,"You never said anything about that. What going on there between you two?"

The three boyfriends on the table had already returned to their conversation while the other four girls besides Carmen where focused on Willow.

"We're kinda together, I guess." she said with her voice lowered. Right in that moment she spotted him entering through the doors of the American Bar at the Savoy.
"There he is!" Willow said and got up to walk towards him.

The rest of the table followed her with their eyes to see the mystery lover.

As they reached each other George bent down a little to give her a peck on the lips.
"Happy Birthday! You look gorgeous as always!" he said while his right hand wandered along her waist to rest on her hip.
His other hand revealed a tiny gift bag from behind his back, which he dangled in front of her.

Willow was still not over how good he look in his blue suit pants and white perfectly fitted shirt with the sleeves rolled up the expose his tanned forearms and now he was already waiting for her to grab her present.

"I said, you shouldn't get me anything"

"I could help myself. It's just something small" he retorted and chuckled already knowing what  was inside.

Willow grabbed the bag and then George's hand to lead him to the table.

"Guys, this is George!" Willow introduced him.
"Hey!" George said calm and confident while giving them all a small wave since it was impossible for them all to stand up due to the way the seats were arranged around the table in the corner for them to properly greet him.

A few 'heys' left their mouths while the girls looked George up and down and then gave Willow an approving look and the boys tried to hide their excitement and surprise that an actual F1 driver was about to sit down at their table.

George and Willow sat down to join them and the conversation picked them up on the way. Willow had to tell the story of how they first met to the girls who hadn't been caught up by Carmen already and soon enough George was talking to the boys about cars and racing.

They were all very respectful and didn't bombard him with question like crazy fans but rather acted like they had know each other for years and just rekindled at a class reunion.

Although they were both mostly occupied with different conversations,  the whole time George's hand remained either on her thigh or his arm around her shoulder or her waist.
He squeezed her from time to time, showing her he was thinking about her. It made her smile each time, knowing she finally had someone to whom she was their one person, their priority.

„We're going outside for cig" Carmen let George and Willow know as everyone else has already left. Carmen left with her boyfriend to go outside and smoke one, both of them visibly drunk as one could see from how they tried to hold onto each other while walking zigzag.

„Open the present!" George said as the two where out of their sight.

„Ok, ok! I will! I can tell you could barely wait the whole night."

„Of course I couldn't! I wanna know if you like it!"

Willow grabbed the bag from behind her and reached inside. She pulled out a small black jewelry box and gave George an uncertain look who returned her glance with a impatient expression his face.

She opened the box slowly to reveal a gold necklace with a coin as a pendant. It's wasn't any coin, it was a five dollar coin with Steffi Graf, the famous tennis player, as a motive from the 1988 Olympic Games.

„Not much, but I thought sentimental is better than anything" George explained.

He really found that coin - which probably wasn't easy to do even with the internet - let it be made into a pendant and got a matching necklace all in three days. Willow could feel some happy tears approaching.

„I love it, George. Thank you so much!" she gave him a kiss. „Will you help me put it on?"

She turned her back towards George so he could close the claps of the bold oval chain necklace which the pendant was on.

As she turned back around George did a last fix to make it even and blend in with the necklaces she was already wearing.

„Let me take a photo of you" George orders and took out his phone.

Willow put on an even brighter smile and after the photo was taken she place her right hand on the side of his neck while her other played with the new pendant around her neck.

„I said I didn't want a present, but I think I can make an exception and accept this one."

The both laughed and George leaned in for a kiss. This time a longer one.

„There is something else in there too." George said as their lips parted again.

Willow reached into the bag again and pulled out a small piece of paper, to be exact a light green post it. She glanced back at George with a questioning look if that was what he meant and he gave her a nod.

Willow folded the paper open and read what he had written on it by hand.

„I didn't know when you'd have time exactly but whenever you can I'd love to have me with you at a Grand Prix." George added to what stood on the paper.

„That sounds amazing! Watching you on TV is just half the experience I'm guessing" Willow exclaimed and they shared another kiss.

„Come on, lovebirds. Let's leave, they are closing the bar." Carmen interrupted them.
Willow hadn't even noticed that everyone was gone already.

They got up, got their coats and jackets from the hall-stand and headed outside.

Carmen and her boyfriend had to go the other direction so their ways parted in front of the Savoy.

„I'll call us a cab" George said.

The driver stopped at Willows apartment and they both stepped outside, although George only to bring her to her door.

„I'm really sorry, but I have to leave really early tomorrow morning for a meeting and a sim session at Williams. I wish I could stay here with you tonight"

„Me too, but we'll see each other on Wednesday right?"

„Yep, for tennis."

George bent down one last time to kiss her dearly before the cab driver used his horn to tell George to return to the car.

„Bye!" they both said unanimously.

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