Chapter 14

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Willow didn't like to admit it but spending time with George automatically elevated her mood.

He turned up to her apartment with a bouquet of flowers which she put into a vase with water right away before the walked downstairs to the car. He opened the car door for her with the words "Have a seat, Milady" and continued to make her laugh the whole ride to the restaurant by telling her about things that happened in his two race weekends.

Willow expected him to bring them to some fancy restaurant which initially made her sort of nervous because she never felt like these dance places suited her but to her surprise, George had quite the opposite planned.

The place the went to was still really nice but it wasn't some well know expensive place and it only served about 5 tables. George claimed they served the best sushi in all of London as they entered and he held the door for her once more.

As they went up to a server to ask for the reserved table George rested his hand on willows lower back and moved his head down to her ear, "You look gorgeous by the way", he whispered to her and made her chuckle and blush. Taking a compliment wasn't her best ability.

They sat down at their tiny table for two.

"What can you recommend to me?" Willow asked George, partly because she wasn't sure what to get and because she guessed that he would know best if he said this was his favorite sushi place.

They ended up ordering both the same and a bottle of wine to share.
It took them an hour to finish their food and another hour to finish the wine. In the meantime George managed to make Willow completely forget about the shit show her day hab been so far.

By the end of the dinner, Willows face was hurting from laughing so much and George was already planning to ask her on another date.

As the left the restaurant George offered Willow his hand and she gladly grabbed onto it, knowing that walking in a straight line wouldn't be easy for either of them and like this they could at least hold onto each other.

„Well, we can forget about the car because I am  way to drunk to drive" George said as they walked past it.

Willow agreed so they kept on walking whilst swinging their held hands back and forth between them.

Like this the walked aimlessly through London.  At least that's what Willow thought.

They started in Notting Hill, walked through Kensington and made it to Chelsea.
As they strolled through Markham Street George slowed his step.

Willow noticed and he was getting slower and decided to stop, making him stop talking too. He was about to tell her the hilarious story of his first crush and how he messed it up with her by throwing up - in kindergarten to be noted but still.

„You live here don't you?" Willow put one and one together.

George felt caught and Willow noticed his cheeks blushing as they were stood right under a street light.

„Yeah, kinda. Just a few houses down" he said shyly. Believe it or not he didn't lead them there on purpose but his drunk mind unconsciously steered him home.

He was no visibly uncomfortably as he didn't want Willow to think that he brought them here with some dirty intention or anything like that.

"I'll call you an Uber, so you can get home safe" he said in his despair, already thinking about how he could help his situation so she wouldn't be opposed to go out with him again.

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