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Disclaimer: slight mentions of sexual assault. If this makes you uncomfortable,  skip the second paragraph (the really short one).

After she ran away, Sylvia hid in an alleyway as that's where she felt safe. But this alley was different. She didn't feel safe in this alley, and it became clear why then a hand grabbed her from behind. She immediately screamed but her mouth was covered almost immediately by a dirty hand. As she tried to bite it, the hand pulled away and snapped back into her face hard immediately causing her eyes to well up with tears.

While one hand held her mouth, the other pushed down into her jeans and started to inch down before footsteps were heard.

Her name was being shouted as someone had heard her scream and the arms immediately released her as the person took off deeper into the alley. She pushed herself against the brick wall as the footsteps came closer and Benny popped into view. As soon as he saw her, he saw blood running from her nose and her jeans pushed down further than they should be. He ran toward her and pulled her up into his arms, hugging her and comforting her until she told him what had happened.

After Alan had found them, Benny whispered what happened into Alan's ear which instantly brought guilt into his head as he pulled the tiny girl closer. He picked her up as she seemed to be in shock and they walked back to the Sandlot where the found everyone.

"They found her!" Ham shouted to the rest of the guys when he saw the 3 making their way towards them. They all looked at them happily until they saw the grim looks and their faces fell as quickly as the others had. Something happened.

Alan carried Sylvia into the dugout and comforted her by playing with her hair and reminding her that she was safe with him while Benny quietly explained a short version of what happened to the rest of the boys. Everyone looked at her with sadness until they saw movement. Sylvia lifted her head to look at Alan and quietly asked, "why does this stuff always happen to me?"

Alan bit his lip softly then replied softly, "because society likes to make the best people become the worst people. Horrible people attack beautiful girls until they stop showing their beauty and then they look for other victims. The world sucks but when you have someone by your side who love you, it makes it just a little bit better."

"But no one loves me," she whispered as her head fell to his shoulder again, truly believing that no one loved her.

Alan's hand softly grabbed her chin and lifted it to look at him, "I do," he said softly, smiling lovingly at her.

Her eyes instantly lit up though her face didn't move much until a smile slowly started forming on her lips which she brought to his and kissed him softly.

He responded by moving his lips with hers keeping the kiss soft and sweet then pulling away and looking at the eyes he wanted to see every day for the rest of his life.

As the other 8 boys slowly walked towards them, they heard 4 words leave the mouth of their friend that shocked them because they never thought they would hear them come from him.

The boy who was so obsessed with baseball that he had dated one girl and only ever brought her on dates to the Sandlot. The boy who had been sent away because the only think he ever loved was baseball. The boy who had no conversational skills outside of baseball.

"I love you Sylvia," he told the teary-eyed, slightly bloody girl on his lap.

"I love you too," she responded as a smile took over both their faces. Maybe having someone in the world who loved you could make it better.

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