What Are You Thinking?

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I watched her get led away with blood dripping from her nose and lip, one eye swollen shut. Only one thing ran through my mind.

Who is she?

I'd never seen a girl like that before, one that stood up for herself even if it meant getting hurt.


After about thirty minutes, I was finally let go. They told me I would be switching rooms, thank god. Now I'm in room 27 on the second floor.

Maybe if I keep acting up they'll give up and expell me. Hopefully. I don't know how exactly to do it, but I will do it, eventually.

I walked back to the community room, more like trudged, with a guard following me. Everyone went into their rooms when I walked by, scared I would hit them. They're all afraid of me... Good.


She looked so gorgeous, even just walking down the hallway. How does she do it?

While everyone went into their rooms, I stayed in the hallway and watched her pass. I don't see how everyone else can be afraid of her, all she did was stand up for herself.

I wonder if she likes baseball...


I feel like a celebrity. Not only does everyone shrink away when I walk by (except for that guy from the first day), my new roommate was on her bed, eyeing me the entire time I was putting my stuff away.

This might be easier than I thought.

I turned around and looked at her to see her curled into a ball. What a chump.

"What? Think I'm gonna stab you or some shit?" I asked, throwing my arms out to my side as she jumped back into the wall a bit more, "I thought you were all suppose to be 'misfits' it something?"

She just kinda looked down like she was thinking then slowly uncurled and stood up from her bed. "You're right," she said, looking up at me, "we shouldn't be scared of you, you're probably just scared because you know that every one else here is stronger than you, right?" I don't think I've ever wanted to hit someone more.

So thats what I did. I grabbed her hair and yanked her to the ground, making her cry out in pain. My foot connected to her ribs a few times before I was pulled away. I turned to the person who pulled me away and saw the guy from earlier.

I couldn't move. There was nothing holding me, I just simply couldn't move. There's something about this guy that captivates me, I can't hit him and I don't like it. My arms were grabbed from behind in the same way the guard from earlier had grabbed me. God, him again?

He led me away, back to that stupid empty room and they did the same thing as before but I was held for longer. Long enough that I layed my head on the table and fell asleep.


"Sylvia!" I opened my eyes to see the guard glaring at me, "get up, you're moving to your new room."

I stood up and repeated the process from earlier, be feared by every one I walked past, gather my stuff, be feared by everyone again, and go to my new room, room 18 on the first floor.

This time was different, we were on the opposite hall from before, I thought this was the guy's side? My suspicions were confirmed when I was led into a new room, with the guy from earlier. No.

The guard left and I just looked at the guy in disbelief. "Why was I put with a guy?"

"I'm the only person on campus they could convince to room with you," he told me.

"Why would you wanna room with me? You know I'm just trying to get kicked out, right?" I replied, staring at him.

"You didn't hit me earlier when you had the chance, you can't be that bad, right?" He replied, causing a smirk to cover my face. His eyes narrowed in suspicion, "what are you thinking?"

He's in for a very eventful year.

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