interlude: wooyoung's art piece.

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"the drawing may seem simple at first, just a cat morphed into a human with a pair of broken angel wings. but this drawing is much more than that. i'm going to tell you the story of a fallen angel. of my fallen angel.

"i'll make a name up for him. let's say his name is james. thousands and thousands and thousands of years ago, james followed Lucifer as they rebelled against God. we all know what happened next: Lucifer and his followers were banished from heaven. they're known as the fallen angels, the creatures that became the first demons. Lucifer ruled hell now and knowing that james had played a huge part in the rebellion, he offered james the opportunity to be his right hand demon. and james, with his undying loyalty towards the devil, agreed.

"years had gone by and it was james' thirtieth reincarnation. this time, he was reincarnated into a boy living in south korea. in this life, he met a boy named charles. something in charles changed the way james viewed humanity, changed the way james viewed God's creation. he used to despise them, thinking that they were all just a selfish species that did everything for their own favour. but something in charles purified a bit of james' damned — excuse my language — soul. slowly, james started to smile, started to enjoy mortality, started to feel like a human.

"Lucifer noticed this change, though, to his most loyal servant and decided to rip the two soulmates apart. so, he staged an accident where james and his mother would crash their car right on charles' birthday. james died and of course, he expected to find himself in Lucifer's chambers, ready to serve his prince again. however, he found himself in the pearly white clouds, high above the sky with heaven's gates in front of him.

"to say james was confused was an understatement. he wasn't supposed to be allowed to set foot into heaven. perhaps there was a mistake, he thought, perhaps i would go through heaven's gates and burn to eternal death. however, he didn't. james went through all the correct procedures angels tend to dead humans and was put to paradise to enjoy his life after life. james was welcomed into heaven, which he never thought he would be for the rest of his time as a creature.

"but all good things had to come to an end. they found out from the old records that james is a fallen angel and therefore, a demon. so they banished james out of heaven and once again, james found himself confused. he wasn't in hell but instead, on earth, standing right across from the same boy that made him feel five years ago.

"to avoid creating confusion within charles' friends, james transformed himself into a cat and together they went back to charles' home. the two bonded right afterwards and although the reappearance of james was absolutely absurd to charles, charles was still happy nonetheless.

"because not only was his best friend back into his life, but his angel, his source of happiness, his own — metaphorical — pair of wings were brought back to him. his life had a purpose again. all inside this little, little kitty."

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