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"what the fuck." was san's first response when he realised he's down in Hell. again. honestly, it's the second time he's been down there in a month, there's obviously something wrong.

that something probably being san telling wooyoung that the younger was an archangel.

he walked through the great halls again, but this time, something was different. it was no surprise to san that Hell seemed to be in a mess. Hell was always in a mess. that's what happens when you put souls that were doomed to relive their suffers over and over again in Hell. hell literally breaks loose in Hell every once in a while.

but this time around, it was more chaotic than san had ever seen. souls were running frantically up and down the hallways with their suffers chasing after them. that was already a rare sight to see. then there were the demons. the goddamned (quite literally) demons. they were all glaring and pointing and sneering at san as he walked down the halls. now, he wasn't one to be proud and take extreme pride in his position as the lord of lust demons, but he at least demanded some kind of respect from common demons.

not only were they not bowing and showing their respects to him, they were jeering and glaring at him. all the things you do to a demon that had betrayed Lucifer, or something like that.


he did somehow betray Lucifer, in a way. maybe that's why all the demons hate him now. maybe. just maybe, though. san wouldn't know until he's in front of Lucifer and demanding for answers.

Lucifer had all the demons wrapped around his little fist it's actually irritating to san.

but san went to Lucifer's big ass room nonetheless, fully transformed into his demon form now (chapter 22 if you forgot what Asmodeus looks like). he paced back and forth in front of the doors before it opened, once again creaking and revealing a rather unpleasant looking Lucifer behind them.

"you've finally came." Lucifer said, his face showing that he was everything but impressed with what san had done in the past month.

san shrugged. without Lucifer inviting him in, he walked into the room and sat on the couch he sat before, once again coughing at the dust coming out of it. "you seriously have to dust these things. they're absolutely revolting."

"i don't care, brother." Lucifer sneered. he sat in front of san and glared at the lust demon, "you, my brother, messed up. big time."

san already knew where this was going. but for the sake of it, he played along. a small smirk was visible on his face, "what exactly did i mess up?"

Lucifer rolled his eyes, "you know what you did. you pissed dad off. your boyfriend will be gone in no time!"

san hummed. he clicked his fingers and a glass of whiskey appeared in front of him. san leisurely took a sip, taking his time as he watched Lucifer's eyes glow red in annoyance. "you told me he had two months."

Lucifer scoffed. he threw his hands in the air and stood up, hands resting on his hip joints annoyingly, obviously unimpressed with san's attitude, "Asmodeus, that was only my case. every case is different!"

"could've told me that sooner." san muttered, almost like this entire thing does not concern him at all. Lucifer had had enough. he growled and went forward, gripping san's collar and hoisting the demon up to his legs.

"do you care about your archangel? at all?" Lucifer questioned, his nostrils flaring and flames were visible behind his orbs. his demon form — Lucifer preferred to be in one of his incarnations' form while in Hell because it supposedly made him look nicer — showing itself to san. "do you care about your wooyoung?"

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