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it's literally july and i'm writing about christmas. how ironic.

christmas is in a few hours. it was insane how quickly time just flew by, san was at wooyoung's house as taemin for three weeks and thus far, nothing was leaked, everything was safe. wooyoung's parents still think san was taemin and thank God for that.

wooyoung was now in san's bedroom, the two curled up against each other as they were watching a horror movie. this was honestly such a stupid idea. both knew that wooyoung absolutely hated horror movies and constantly gets scared at jump scares and such.

san, however, was not affected by horror movies at all since, well, he is a demon and demons practically sees this every day down in hell. so for him, it was just a movie version of torture — an even less scary one for him, too.

"ah!" wooyoung squealed at a jump scare, literally jumping up and curling up against san. both of his hands gripped san's arm as he sort of hid his face behind the older's shoulder. wooyoung was still peering out though, telling san that wooyoung was still interested and he shouldn't stop it.

however, at the next jump scare, wooyoung jumped again and this time, he fully buried his face in the gap between san's face and shoulder, breathing heavily against san's neck. san immediately paused the movie and turned his head to wooyoung, placing a soft kiss on the younger's head.

"hey, youngie." san said, once again combing his fingers through wooyoung's hair, knowing that calms wooyoung down as well as himself, "we can stop this if you wanna."

wooyoung drew in a few deep breaths. he took the time to calm himself down before lifting his head up and shaking it, "no, i wanna continue it."

san frowned, "are you sure, youngie? if it's too scary-"

"no, i'll get nightmares if i don't finish it 'cause i don't have the ending etched in my head." wooyoung muttered, "j-just- um, can i, hold-"

"yeah, of course, you can, sweetheart." san said softly, wrapping an arm around wooyoung's shoulder and bringing the younger closer to him, "i'll be here to protect you."

wooyoung smiled, snuggling closer, "you're so warm. i like it."

san laughed, "that's such a random thing to say at- woo, it's 11:58."

wooyoung looked up from his position against san's shoulder, "and? just continue the movie, sannie-"

"young, there's two more minutes 'til christmas." san said. wooyoung frowned, "you're a demon. why are you excited for the celebration of christ?"

san shrugged, "i dunno. maybe i get presents for it. hold on-"

"no, sannie, d-don't leave me." wooyoung muttered, his death grip on san's arm back again. san peered down at the younger and cooed softly at how cute he looked right now. he would definitely snap a picture of wooyoung right now but it just seemed inappropriate when wooyoung was just slightly panicking a minute ago.

"i'm never leaving you, sweetheart, i'm right here." san reassured wooyoung again, "do you wanna continue the movie or start it after christmas arrives?"

wooyoung shook his head, "just continue it."

so san pressed the play button and the movie continued. about half an hour later, the end credits started rolling and san felt a head drop on his shoulder. he looked over and smiled at the sight. wooyoung was sleeping soundly on his shoulder with his mouth slightly open.

san tried his best not to wake the younger up as he switched positions so they would be lying down instead. he also somehow managed to lie wooyoung down and cuddle against him without waking him up, which was a total success to san.

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