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"so..." wooyoung trailed off as they sat on one of the benches. this reminded him — and san — of the exact night the two broke away from each other. well, not really, but they still were apart for long enough that they sorta associated the period of time with a break up.

san chuckled and looked over at wooyoung, placing an arm on the behind wooyoung, unsure if it was okay for him to hold wooyoung, "so, you've done your thinking."

wooyoung hummed. he saw the arm around his back, so wooyoung held san's hand and placed it on his shoulder, smiling at the older, "i've done my thinking."

"and your conclusion is?" san asked timidly, "i mean, it's fine if you say no. it's definitely fine if you think that we shouldn't be together. frankly, we shouldn't be. but fate had always pulled the two of us together. we were always soulmates and we'll always be soulmates in every single life we get. and every time we get reincarnated, we will be setting out to find each other no matter what. because that's our fate. and if you think that's all bullshit and that we should be loving the people we choose instead of each other, i definitely understand that. because fate is bullshit. it's just playing with us. but-"

"sannie." wooyoung interrupted, his voice soft as feather as he cupped san's face in his hands, "sannie, just listen to me for a sec, yeah?"

"okay." san's voice came out mushed as his cheeks were squished by wooyoung's hands. wooyoung laughed at that, softly caressing san's cheeks as he stared adoringly into the older's eyes.

"i love you." wooyoung said, "and that's all i have to say, actually. i love you so, so, so much that i don't give a fuck about how our destiny together is ill-fated or that we're bound to separate at some point. i don't care, sannie, because all i care about now is how much i love you and how much you love me. nothing else matters to me right now. if we can just be with each other for a while, i don't care how short or how long, if we can just love each other as we could before you told me what i am, then i'll be forever grateful for that. all because i got a chance to love you, and i got a chance to be loved by you. i don't care about anything else, sannie, because all i care about is you."

san placed his hands on top of wooyoung's and guided it away from his cheeks. he was smiling. he was smiling so fucking hard that his cheeks hurts. "fuck, wooyoung, you're going to make me cry." san breathed. he leaned forward slowly and watched as wooyoung fluttered his eyes shut. san smiled.

it felt so normal, so right when their lips crashed against each other. there were no tongue, no moans, no nothing. just the two kissing against each other's lips and smiling into it. because everything just felt so right. like the world, no, the universe just aligned for them to be together. it's quite literally fate that the two end up with each other, so it only made sense if everything with each other felt right, but this was a different level of calmness, of belonging.

the two broke apart for oxygen, a thing they almost forgot they needed to live. wooyoung giggled at how both of them were just staring at each other, trying to take in each other's appearance as much as possible so they won't ever, ever forget how amazing this love felt like. how beautiful this love felt like. how right this love felt like.

the two walked around for a bit more before returning to the dorms, san settling in wooyoung's room for the night so they could just chill out for a bit.

"sannie?" wooyoung asked after san got out of the shower. he turned around and immediately turned back around, his face red and san chuckling at his boyfriend.

san, typical lust demon Asmodeus, walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist and another towel around his shoulders, a hand on it, drying his wet hair. "what, sweetheart? cat caught your tongue?"

san sat next to wooyoung and wrapped an arm around wooyoung's waist, pulling the archangel closer to him as he placed soft, open mouthed kisses along wooyoung's exposed skin. wooyoung was wearing one of san's oversized shirts that revealed his collarbones and reached down to middle of his thigh. wooyoung barred his neck to allow san more access, biting his bottom lip as san marked his honey skin slowly and softly.

"s-sannie..." wooyoung let out, his tone a little breathy and it was obvious how much he was affected by san's actions. san chuckled against wooyoung's neck, placing one final kiss against the skin before pulling away, "yes, sweetheart?"

wooyoung looked at his lover, tilting his head to the side, a gesture san often cooed at, "i have a question. about us."

san's expression turned serious. "yeah? what's your question?"

"how are we, you know, soulmates? i'm sure it's not possible that the three women would actually have us together as soulmates, considering how we're actual polar opposites." wooyoung voiced out his thought. he saw san's face and immediately panicked, "i-it doesn't mean that i'm not glad we're soulmates! i'm more than happy about the fact we're destined to be together, i-i was just curious. you know what? it's a stupid question, i-"

"it's fine, youngie." san smiled, kissing wooyoung, "i guess it's because we're polar opposites and that's why we're soulmates. we fix each other by filling in what's missing in each other. i host parties, encourages parties while you don't like parties and prefer to stay at home, chilling. you know everything there is to know about business while i know everything except for business. these are odd examples, i know, but youngie, my point is: we fit each other so well. we might not even notice it now, but i assure you that is why we're soulmates. it's not because fate was bored and those three witches wanted to have a pair of damned soulmates. well, probably that, but also because we are each other. you are God's right hand angel, i am Lucifer's right hand demon. we are each other while being directly opposite of each other, if that made any sense."

wooyoung hummed, nodding, "that does make sense. i guess. either way, we're soulmates and nothing's changing that, right?"

"yup," san said, "you're always going to be my soulmate no matter how many lives we live. you're always going to be mine."

wooyoung laughed, pressing a kiss on san's cheek before leaning against san's chest, "i'm always going to be yours."

a/n: its going to be an ongoing theme where i often reference to the universe and stars and milky ways when they kiss bc im a hopeless romantic like that

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