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wooyoung took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself of what's to come. you can do it, he told himself, it's just telling san how you feel! no biggie.

right, that's not the case.

"yeosang. yeosang. oh my God, i'm so scared. i'm, like, breathing so quickly right now and-and-and i-"

"okay, back the fuck up. what are we dealing with right now?" yeosang asked frantically, trying his best to help the boy.

"uh, i'm supposed to confess to-"

"oh my fucking God, you called me just for this? you're so pathetic. look, wooyoung, we've been through this all afternoon. you. can. fucking. do. it. okay? and please don't call me again unless you're crying because he rejected you." yeosang said, making the younger chuckle. "there, much better. just be yourself and, trust me when i say this, that man is just as in love with you as you are with him. this will go well."

wooyoung was about to thank his friend, but he heard three knocks on the door and the panic rose in his chest again, "okay, he's here. i'm so scared. but, um, wish me luck?"

"you don't need luck, wooyoung, just be you." yeosang chuckled, "good luck."

wooyoung grinned, muttering a 'thank you' before ending the call. he tossed his phone somewhere on the couch and went to the door. before opening the door, he took in a deep breath and told himself 'you can do it', and opened the door.

"hey, there. what took you so long?" san asked, inviting himself in. wooyoung replied, saying, "was on the phone with yeosang. bastard wouldn't hang up."

he knew if yeosang knew he said that as an excuse, the older boy would instantly kill him. no questions asked, yeosang would actually kill him right there and then. but what yeosang doesn't know wouldn't kill him.

san chuckled, "thought so. well, i look forward to whatever the hell you stirred up in that kitchen."

wooyoung gasped, mocking a hurt expression, "are you implying that my cooking is bad? excuse me, you've tried my mom's stuff, and her stuff are amazing."

"well, that's 'cause she's good at it. i don't know if you're good at it or shit at it." san rebutted. wooyoung rolled his eyes, biting back a smile, waiting for san to be impressed with his cooking.

"oh my Hell, this is heavenly." san exclaimed after taking the first bite from wooyoung's grilled meat. wooyoung laughed, "it's just meat, sannie, it can't be that good."

san shook his head, "no, this is, like, really, really, really good. i'm so sorry i underestimated your cooking skills before. i take them all back. here, try it for yourself-"

san held a piece of meat between his chopsticks and held it close to wooyoung's mouth, a hand cupped underneath wooyoung's chin in case any sauce dripped down. wooyoung opened his mouth reluctantly, a soft blush now covering his cheeks. he chewed and his eyes widened, "it is quite good."

"mm, i know, right? you've got to cook meals for me some times. i rely way too much on delivery and it's wasting my money." san said, putting another piece of meat into his mouth.

wooyoung scoffed, "your money? you mean my money that you'll have to return afterwards."

san glanced up at the younger, pulling out the best puppy eyes he could muster, "wooyoungie~ don't be like this~"

wooyoung felt heat rush to his cheeks immediately. he was sure that it was super visible right now, considering how all the lights are still on (which yeosang protested against since it was just so unromantic, but wooyoung insisted since, well, he had a meal to cook).

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