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Mikeys Girl

Takemichi was walking down the street boredly. Then he saw something unexpected. A girl who was beating up a group of boys.
" Ow ow ow!! Let go you bitch! " One shouted in pain, while she twisted his arm behind his back.

" Don't call me a bitch you stupid wuss. You're a boy who can't even beat up a girl. How pathetic are you? " The girl retorted in a harsh voice. " What'd you call me— ow ow ow ow! " He screamed. " I called you pathetic. Are you deaf too? You— Huh? " She said, noticing Takemichi staring.

Oh crap! Is she gonna come after me now? I'd better run away... Takemichi thought turning around.

" Hey kid. Wait up. "

He kept walking, ignoring her. Suddenly a rock flew past his shoulder. " I said wait up. If I have to say it again the next rock is going to hit your head " She said. " Huh? You were talking to me... I didn't notice hahaha... " Takemichi laughed nervously turning around.

She dislocated the guys arm and dropped him then walks up to Takemichi.

" Do I know you from somewhere? I think you look familiar " She said.

" I've never met you before... " Takemichi responded

" Hmm... I'm not sure that's true. But anyways I think I like you "

" Huh? You like me?! Th-thank you I guess but I already have a girlfriend "

The girl started laughing. " You're funny. " She said through her giggles. " Oh... Is that so...? " He asked. I wasn't joking though... He thought.

" I don't like you in that way dummy. I have a boyfriend. I just wanna be friends. " She said. " Oh... I guess that's okay then " He said. " I'm Matoi Tennin. Call me Tennin " She said holding out her hand " Hanagaki Takemichi " Takemichi said taking it. Then there was the sound of groaning. Tennin turns around.

" Oh. I forgot about you guys " She said walking back and grabbing him by his hair.
" Have you learned your lesson about ganging up on girls? " She asked. " Y-... Yes... " He said crying a little. " And you're not gonna bother any more girls? " She asked.

" No... " He said. " Alright. Now take you're friends and run along. Go home and tell your mom you love her or whatever. " She said. They struggled to get up and stumbled away. " Hey... Did you... " Takemichi said. Tennin turned.

" Hm? " She asked. " ...Beat up all these guys yourself? " He asked. " Yeah. Who did you think it was? " She asked. Takemichi's mouth dropped open. A small girl like that beat up all those guys?! He thought.

" I don't usually fight people but sometimes boys just test my nerves. Usually they says girls would fight each other but I've never had that problem. " She said. She reminds me of someone... Takemichi thought.

" Hey, Takemitchy! " Someone shouted loudly. " That sounds like... " They both said. Takemichi turned to see him. " Mikey-Kun?! " They shouted simultaneously. " Huh?! You know Mikey-Kun? " They asked each other turning.

" Oh? Ten-Chin you're here too? " Mikey asked. " Yeah I was just about to go to work but I had to beat up these guys " She sighed pointing to the stragglers. " You never were one to hold back " Draken sighed. " How do you know Takemitchy? " Mikey asked.

" I just met him. He saw me fighting those guys. I get the vibe he's a good guy like... Um... Like a hero... " She said. " Yep. Takemitchy is the crybaby hero " Draken laughed. Takemichi blushed from embarrassment. " Oh yeah... " He said.

" Hmm... Takemichi is... Takemitchy...? " She asked. Then an alarm on her watch went off.
" Oh. I'm late for work " She sighed. " See ya later " She waved before walking off. " Hey, Takemitchy. Did you see her beat up those guys? " Mikey asked.

" Huh? Well sorta... I got here and she was twisting one of the guys arms. " He explained. Mikey laughed. " I knew it. My girl is still the best " He smiled. " Huh... You're girl...? " Takemichi asked confused.

Then he finally realized. " You two are dating?! " He asked. " Yep! " Mikey grinned. They don't seem that close at all though... Takemichi thought. " Hey, wanna go to her store and mess with her? " Mikey suggested.
" What? " Takemichi asked confused.


Tennin scanned the items that were placed on the counters. " Your total is 1,715 yen and 55 cents " She said. The man gave her the money then walks out. Then three boys walk in, the bell rings so Tennin looks up.

" Oh hey, it's you " She said boredly. " Oh, you work here Ten-Chin? " Mikey said pretending to be surprised. " Yes. You know that, because you were just here yesterday. And the day before that. And everyday before that " She sighed, knowing he's up to something.

" Oh? Really... " He said. " Whatever just go pick your snacks " Tennin sighed. Mikey gets a pack of Taiyaki with Vanilla Custard filling, Takemichi gets a box of Mochi, and Draken gets a pack of Red Bean Cake.

Tennin scans the items. " 221 yen and 27 cents, 1,327 yen and 63 cents, 331 yen and 91 cents. " She said pointing to them in order of Mikey, Takemichi, and Draken. They all paid for their snacks.

Mikey opens his Taiyaki and bites it, before making a pouting face. " It taste sour " He said. " What? That was part of the new batch it can't be bad... " Tennin said. " C'mon Takemitchy. Let's go hang out " Draken said.

" Huh? Uh okay " Takemichi said confusedly following him out the store.  " Yeah. You try it and see " He said handing her the confection.  Tennin bites into it and is surprised. " What? ... It's not sour at all... " She said.

She looked up at Mikey leaning on the counter with his face resting in his hands. He had on an innocent smile yet she could tell he was teasing her in some way. I know he's messing with me... But how— Hmm...? She thought looking down at the Taiyaki.

Her cheeks flushed red realizing what he'd done to her. An indirect kiss. She turned around holding her face. " M... Mikey-Kun... Stop playing with my heart like that... " She said. " But it's so fun " He chuckled.

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